Tayan is a member of the Corporate Governance Research Program and holds an MBA from Stanford.
FORBES: Does Corporate Governance Matter? A Review Of A New Book By David Larcker and Brian Tayan
Wells, of the Sarasota Dolphin Research Program, worked with scientists from the University of St.
Larcker directs the Corporate Governance Research Program at Stanford University where he holds the James Irvin Miller Professorship.
FORBES: Does Corporate Governance Matter? A Review Of A New Book By David Larcker and Brian Tayan
The essays on Latin American liberalism complement the research program exemplified in the work of Hernando de Soto.
In fact, the Department of Defense has an entire research program dedicated to the study of blast injury.
The growers petitioned the U.S. Department of Agriculture for permission to collect the per-tree tax for a marketing-and-research program.
WSJ: Fir Real? Christmas Trees in Crisis as Americans Flock to Fakes
They also funded the stem cell research program at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City.
America Movil had MIT professor Jerry Hausman, who directs the MIT Telecommunications Economics Research Program, look into the OECD report.
The breast cancer research program has made the Defense Department into one of the largest sources of funding into the disease.
The basic premise behind my current research program is that some governments are more heavily involved than others in their respective economies.
Japan, however, is allowed to hunt between 300-400 minke whales annually in the sanctuary under a clause allowing a long-term scientific research program.
This scene came to mind earlier this month when the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) released its National Climate Assessment draft report.
FORBES: Is It Hollywood Or Washington? Global Warming Activists Control Government Climate Report
An article in the aforementioned issue of Discover magazine highlights another very intrigue research program that has been underway for some time: super-sonic flight.
FORBES: Is The Next Boom In Travel A Sonic Boom From Boeing?
By the way, professors immersed in a strong research program often teach cutting edge knowledge and skills, but not to remedial, whining, entitled students.
The United States Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) is supposed to represent the best science of the U.S. government on the issue of global warming.
FORBES: The Disgraceful Episode Of Lysenkoism Brings Us Global Warming Theory
In May, Microsoft announced that it had a new research program under way, aimed at developing an operating system and software development tools for robots.
This team designed and executed a very clever research program that made it clear why the new brand would not be likely to break even.
The partners hope to get funding from NASA's HighSpeed Research program.
Two are university programs, like AguaClara, a research program at Cornell University that produces municipal water treatment technology which relies on gravity rather than electricity.
Sargent, a professor of pediatrics at Dartmouth Medical School and the codirector of the Cancer Control Research Program at Norris Cotton Cancer Center, both in Lebanon, New Hampshire.
Wintemute, director of the UC Davis Violence Prevention Research Program.
He also guides efforts to enhance and focus the research program, upgrade the society's advocacy capacity, and concentrate community cancer control efforts in areas where they will be most effective.
The good news on Neulasta comes on the heels of the submission of palifermin, the lead off drug in Amgen's invigorated research program, to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
The study, carried out at Yale University's Neuroimaging Research Program in Autism, is one of the first to see some physical evidence of the autistic mind working in a different way.
While a cooperative U.S.-Japan research program in this area has been launched, the government of Japan has yet to announce that the political decision has been taken to deploy anti-missile systems.
Rather than a few hundred minkes, the fleet is this year aiming for the full 850 specified in the Japanese Whale Research Program under Special Permit in the Antarctic (Jarpa-2).
The NIAID has a considerable research program dedicated to fighting antibiotic resistant bacteria and the agency awards grants to deserving companies that focus on the identification of new antimicrobials to fight threatening superbugs.
FORBES: The Antibiotic Bubble -- A Quest For Continued Antibiotic Effectiveness
You know, even the amount of money that's spent on the Climate Change Research Program, which is spread across several agencies, is down a bit this year, basically flat, but down a bit.
In a recently announced initiative, Mr. Page will be funding a research program at the Voice Health Institute at Massachusetts General Hospital at Harvard Medical School, led by Dr. Steven Zeitels.
In May, Microsoft (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ) announced that it had a new research program under way, aimed at developing an operating system and software development tools for robots.