The agency has been providing health assistance, educational support and resettlement programs to the refugees.
Under this legislation, the United States codified into law our asylum and refugee resettlement processes.
The resettlement grant varies between MPs as it is based on years of service and age.
And here's another one: We haven't done this particular kind of refugee resettlement before.
They feared that large-scale resettlement would encourage even greater numbers to come across the border.
The Australian government will also consult the UNHCR over the allocation of the remaining resettlement places.
BBC: Australia to increase refugee intake to 20,000 annually
The refugees would be offered resettlement or compensation, but not the right of return.
ECONOMIST: With a solution proposed by the International Crisis Group
Henceforth, the Sandinistas' allies and apologists will argue, the only legitimate aid is refugee resettlement assistance.
So, how bad was losing the vote this week on the Gurkha resettlement issue?
Safe havens, camps and resettlement are all designed to remove civilians from immediate danger.
The students would be able to regain a sense of community lost in their process of resettlement.
No more demands for territory, no more demands for refugee resettlement, no more demands for financial compensation.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Camp David: Finality Guaranteed by the world
Then he has to make tough choices, which ones are eligible for resettlement in the United States.
She said most arrived in the U.S. through a refugee resettlement program rather than as asylum seekers.
Armed forces minister Adam Ingram said the government recognised that "effective resettlement" was vital for service leavers.
R. sent out an appeal for sixty million dollars for the support and eventual resettlement of Iraqi refugees.
The National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders said the minimum sentences were "crude and unjust".
Resettlement is great for some, but it robs the refugee community of its most skilled and articulate members.
Chunks of the Save Valley conservancy have been earmarked for resettlement, although the area is unsuitable for farming.
Today, the United States remains as committed as ever to assisting and protecting refugees, including through resettlement in America.
Now resettlement is being granted to all those in the camps who can find a country to take them.
To the costs of reconstruction and resettlement must be added the cost of garrisoning this new corner of ex-Yugoslavia.
If neither camps nor safe havens are good prospects, then what of resettlement?
It says about 50% of its activity concerns the resettlement of offenders, 45% crime prevention and 5% criminal justice reform.
The army is to be deployed to provide transport and other logistical support for the resettlement programme, the television reported.
Large housing resettlement projects were still uninhabited and lacked sanitation or paved roads and footpaths, four years after the event.
Take those who fled Abkhazia in the 1990s: successive administrations have insisted upon the principle of return rather than resettlement.
ECONOMIST: Georgia is resettling some, but not all, refugees
None was allowed access to United Nations officials, who might have classified them as refugees deserving protection and eventual resettlement.
He launched his PCC campaign in June 2012 after leaving crime reduction charity Nacro, where he was head of resettlement information.
Try NYC Navigator, London Relocation or Resettlement Services Australia, although most major cities have companies with similar services.