We spotted the blue flash of a kingfisher, a sure sign that edible fish resided below.
Unlike in other democracies, power in Japan has rarely resided in the government of the day.
Paus was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota but resided in New York state, where he died.
My iPhone resided inside that case where nobody could see its sleek, rounded edges.
They knew little of what, at a given moment, was happening outside the patch of land where they resided.
At the time, less than 10, 000 non-Indians resided in what is today California.
FORBES: A Politically Incorrect Perspective On American Exceptionalism
Isabella, 18, and Connor, 15, have resided with Cruise in Los Angeles, Calif.
For the past eight years, all power has resided in the hands of the president, U.S. ally Pervez Musharraf.
It was as if their remarkable history resided in each and every one of them and made them walk tall.
The Court held that the regulatory authority resided in the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments passed in the first Bush Administration.
The painting, which resided in a church in Almeria for more than 120 years, was originally believed to be a copy.
But RIM has saved some space by eliminating the big buttons that resided between the screen and the keyboard on older BlackBerrys.
Even among the linemen who toil anonymously in the NFL's trenches, guards have long resided at the bottom of the pecking order.
Though she told the authorities she resided then in her Westport, Conn.
Keia Wyre had resided on Honeysuckle Lane with her mother and sister.
What was their relationship as they all resided in the same home?
FORBES: Arnold Schwarzenegger Fathered A Child With Household Staffer
Since leaving Silicon Valley behind, Semel has resided in Los Angeles and has gobbled up some exceptional real estate in the area.
Hitler and his generals perceived that the weakness of their otherwise powerful enemies resided in habits and routines that made their reaction times slow.
The emperor resided in the Palace of Heavenly Purity until the mid-Qing dynasty when it became an audience hall in which ambassadors and other luminaries were received.
Slumping in the darkest corner of the bench resided Dan Johnson.
FORBES: Why Do We Love Sports? Last Night's Baseball Games Say It All
Although this streamlined program sounds very attractive, it is only for U.S. citizens (including dual citizens) who have resided outside the U.S. since January 1, 2009.
An Alaska model would neatly and equitably deal with that: Every Iraqi living in the country would get a cut, regardless of where he or she resided.
Having resided here since 1937, when he came over as a commentator for BBC Radio, British-born Cooke has gained a popular following, especially since hosting Masterpiece Theater.
The lead time for publishing a disc, however, was so long that the CD content ceased to be news and resided more in the realm of reference material.
But the real reason they mattered is that they introduced a note of caution into an enterprise whose motivating appeal resided in its increasingly frantic forecasts of catastrophe.
Jackson Pollock, the abstract expressionist - who presumably didn't have an interest in his stockbroker neighbours - resided in the hamlet of Springs until he died there in a car crash.
His father moved to the United States in 1944 and eventually became a U.S. citizen but stayed connected to Ecuador where his brother and many other family members resided.
Also approved by the Senate was a provision to grant Supplemental Security Income to disabled immigrants who resided in the country when the new welfare law was enacted last August.