Last fall, Judy Blankenburg and her sister decided to sell their three-bedroom childhood residence in Los Altos, another Silicon Valley community.
WSJ: Can I Buy Your House, Pretty Please?
The sentencing was delayed earlier this month because documents detailing Brown's proposed community service plan in Virginia, where he maintains a legal residence and wants to serve his sentence, had not arrived in time for Schnegg to review.
CNN: Brown sentenced for Rihanna assault; other incidents surface
By the time the Red Dog opened again in 1966, this time with Big Brother and the Holding Company, who hadn't yet met Janis Joplin, in residence, the San Francisco scene had already been born, and the sense of community, the innocence, and the feeling of creating a new society, were already a year old.
NPR: Dylan, the Red Dog and the Real Summer of Love
As day-trippers flood the town, angling to get a glimpse of The Situation, you can bet that the local business community wishes it could persuade Angelina, Ronnie, Vinny and the rest to take up year round residence.
FORBES: Jersey Shore And The Dow Jones