After a big bowl of vegetable soup - the best yet - we resist the temptation of a Dracula dessert (fruit ice cream and jam in a pancake) and walk out through the Wolf Room into the dying day.
BBC: Horsemeat scandal: Noble animal at centre of Romanian life
The Stade Francais player was - like a good number seven - unable to resist the temptation to clear out English players at a ruck and when the ball fell loose he was not there to control it.
But few can resist the temptation of buying a rising asset with a cut-price loan.
But Mr Blair would have done better to resist this temptation to cut a dash.
Indeed, one could spend the whole day cleaning windows, a temptation I resist.
Will you resist the temptation to get a government handout for your community?
One thing I want to emphasize, and I'm saying this because I couldn't resist the temptation to watch a little bit of some of this coverage last night on TV.
Singaporean leaders, it seems, would rather drink their own purified effluent than rely on Malaysia for anything, while their Malaysian counterparts cannot resist the temptation to pick a populist fight with their former compatriots.
This is surely wishful thinking, since it assumes that politicians will resist the temptation to go on a spending spree.
Resist the temptation to just advance a broad number of disparate initiatives, and alternatively, focus your efforts on the completion of a few high impact objectives.
Resist the temptation to go with a development shop.
FORBES: 5. Give them equity once they��ve proven themselves.
Resist the temptation to "fix" a big tree with aggressive cutting, which may diminish the tree's ability to defend against environmental stresses.
I'll resist the temptation to do that on a day in which it's good, because seemingly somebody will come back on a day in which it's not as good.
To be a little hungry and yet to resist the temptation of eating.
Instead, angry former employers often fail to resist the temptation to use the U5 as a way to get in a few parting shots.
FORBES: Broker and Brokerage Firm Earn TKOs in U5 Expungement / Promissory Note Arbitration
Resist the temptation to shoehorn your website onto a mobile device.
The ugly and rather futile history of the Wright Amendment should be a powerful persuader for Washington to resist the temptation to try to restrict this breakthrough in the name of protecting existing carriers.
As we democratize language and literacy we have to resist the temptation to see in its evolution a sort of breakdown or moral failure simply because not everyone speaks or writes as well as the Bard or as Ralph Fiennes.
FORBES: Ralph Fiennes Says Twitter is Killing the English Language
These kids wrestled with temptation but found a way to resist.
" In his world, judges must resist the "temptation to make all thing right with a stroke of our pen.
But even if I resist the temptation until 2001, I can then expect a letter urging me to apply for a Social Security pension.
In the past, I have almost always advised retiring public sector employees to resist the temptation to take their accumulated pension benefit in a lump sum.
FORBES: Looming Risk of Municipal Defaults Forces Retirees to Consider Pension Buyouts
Involved as it is in the fiendishly difficult process of ensuring a peaceful succession in Ethiopia and choosing a president in Somalia, the West should resist the temptation to look for another Meles.
It many sound like a great deal, but there are plenty of reasons you should resist the temptation.
And as long as they resist the temptation to grow, these small ISPs should be able to eke out a profit.
In fairness, the committee has done well to resist the common temptation, when looking at things superficially, to name and blame a particular party, or even a particular person, like the Obama government clearly could not avoid the same temptation in the weeks following the disaster, explicitly and exclusively heaping blame on BP and its CEO Tony Hayward in particular.
FORBES: The BP oil rig disaster -- better brace yourself: there is surely more to come
They resist at all costs the temptation to justify the actions they took yesterday or last year or a decade ago (which the voters heartily endorsed), and admit openly and gratefully that all of these were a terrible mistake, based on a false premise, exhibiting an unforgivable arrogance, that they will never be stupid enough to pursue, believe or exhibit ever again.
The temptation to increase money supply and fuel inflationary pressures in this environment may be too difficult to resist for a civilian administration eager to avoid making political enemies early in its remit.