• He said there were some "alarming scenarios" that could weaken the power of states to resolve conflicts.

    BBC: Security Council takes on global warming

  • The dispute settlement mechanism recently established at the WTO should be given far more power to resolve conflicts.


  • An enlightened society tries to resolve conflicts of ideas with reason but it has to be a two-way process.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: From fashion to fortitude: the road to resilience

  • Mr Berlusconi ultimately dropped his support for constitutional change, but the law to resolve conflicts of interest was never enacted.

    ECONOMIST: Italy

  • China Daily foresees "bleak" prospects and even further turmoil in Iraq and warns against "unilateralism" to resolve conflicts in other countries.

    BBC: China media: Xi's foreign policy

  • For major command decisions, he convenes conferences with his senior officers to explore all possible options to resolve conflicts and operational command decisions.

    FORBES: Why Picard Still Kicks Ass

  • Despite reservations by non-NATO members, EU leaders agreed at the Helsinki summit last December to establish the force to resolve conflicts, perform peacekeeping duties and humanitarian and rescue work.

    CNN: Europe bites bullet with defence force

  • Problem flights are marked with flashing orange lines, and controllers have to take action to resolve conflicts before the lines go red 30 minutes before separation standards would be violated.

    WSJ: How New Air-Traffic Control Systems Operate Over Oceans

  • This is good news to mediators because the groups are also choosing from among their number individuals willing and able to act as third party neutral facilitators to resolve conflicts.

    FORBES: The Revolution Will Be Mediated

  • Burma's new military-backed civilian government - which has embarked on a series of reforms since elections in November 2010 - has pledged to resolve conflicts in border areas with ethnic minority groups.

    BBC: Burma ceasefire 'holds' in rebel-held Kachin areas

  • Biosphere reserves are models that have been seeking to resolve conflicts in land use and biodiversity conservation, thus creating opportunities for education, entertainment and tourism, and international collaboration in conserving the biosphere, our common house.


  • Research on the program is largely sponsored by the First Tee itself, but the available data suggest that it is effective, particularly in developing the ability of participants to manage their emotions, set goals and resolve conflicts.

    FORBES: All Teed Up

  • How will we resolve conflicts?

    FORBES: Six Crucial Questions To Ask When Picking A Business Partner

  • Despite the expulsions, Syria "stresses the importance of dialogue based on principles of equality and mutual respect between nations, and diplomacy is the necessary vehicle to connect with countries to resolve conflicts between countries, and pending issues, " the Syrian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

    CNN: Syria says it will allow U.N. to deliver humanitarian aid

  • Each week, a session is set aside for group work, during which the students work on their self-esteem and communication skills, gain knowledge of their rights and the rules of the centre, analyse and resolve conflicts within the group and evaluate the activities in which they have participated.

    UNESCO: Country Profile: Uruguay

  • "We've got to look at the programs that are working across the nation to prevent crime -- mentoring programs, dispute resolution programs that teach children how to resolve conflicts without knives and guns and fists, and truancy prevention programs that get them back into school and keep them out of trouble, " Reno said.

    CNN: Main banner

  • Visits can be used to tie up loose ends or resolve old conflicts, says Brandt.

    CNN: 'You're going to die the way you live'

  • While a Muslim council may be working to resolve marital conflicts, these issues need to reach a wider audience.

    CNN: Silenced Cries

  • The goal must be to prevent and resolve potential conflicts arising from the management of shared water resources and to promote cooperation at all levels.


  • The group has chosen to have four lay members - instead of the minimum of two - on its governing body, to help resolve any conflicts of interest.

    BBC: Conflicts of interest 'rife' among new GP commissioners

  • For years Norway and Sweden, in particular, have been able to pose as peacebrokers, helping to resolve diverse conflicts in Sri Lanka, parts of Africa and in the Middle East.

    ECONOMIST: The Satanic sketches | The

  • Mr. Obama, who last year became the first U.S. president to visit Myanmar, lauded the release of political prisoners, the completion of credible elections and Mr. Thein Sein's efforts to resolve ethnic conflicts.

    WSJ: White House Visit Marks Shift in Myanmar

  • And I remain committed to being a partner with countries around the world, and in particular hot spots around the world, to see if we can reduce those tensions and ultimately resolve those conflicts.

    WHITEHOUSE: Nuclear Security Summit: Presidential Press Conference

  • Citi will resolve the conflicts between research and investment banking, file its financial reports sooner, allocate public offerings more fairly, project gains in pension funds more conservatively, treat stock options as an expense, and insist that structured transactions be more clearly disclosed.

    ECONOMIST: Citigroup: Passing the buck | The

  • If Russia had really wanted to resolve the separatist conflicts in Georgia, it had opportunities.

    ECONOMIST: Russia and Georgia

  • It is not the place of the United States to try to, from the outside, resolve all those conflicts.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Singh Press Conference

  • The great powers could now, as Wilson had hoped, form a "community of power" to manage and resolve these remaining conflicts.

    NPR: 'Folly of Empire' Offers Critique of U.S. Imperialism

  • International efforts to resolve the manifold conflicts in the region have failed to address the roots of the conflicts and so, even when successful are generally short lived.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Condi��s African holiday

  • "Family conflict emerges in this study as a major cause of childhood unhappiness, and so it is vital that families can get the sort of family mediation and counselling the Children's Society offers to help them resolve and avoid conflicts, " said the Children's Society's chief executive, Bob Reitemeier.

    BBC: Family argument

  • Intense U.S. involvement will be needed to help resolve both of the conflicts.

    CNN: Amanpour: What the world wants of Obama

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