In 2010 Bentley's global sales grew by a respectable 11%, to more than 5, 000 cars.
And it seems as if any respectable corporation has scores of billions in the bank.
Forbes apparently wasn't the only observer to notice the respectable job Ron Daly was getting done.
However, compared to the mess over at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, they look respectable.
By the time he became a lawyer, in his fifties, he was a respectable bourgeois townsman.
That would make sense if urban men from "respectable" families weren't also among the offenders.
Meanwhile, the 1.6-liter Ecoboost with 2WD gets a respectable 33 mpg on the highway.
He wants to make military history respectable by enfolding it into intellectual and cultural history.
Although overtly neo-Nazi parties are illegal, even respectable Czech politicians flirt with anti-Roma sentiment.
Most of them are old-fashioned, Victorian-style, solid and respectable, made of cast iron and English oak.
No surprise that sleazy promoters saw an opening, and even some respectable charities got sloppy.
One countermeasure: Switch some money into a more respectable currency, like the Swiss franc.
The region is expected to return to respectable economic growth this year and next (see chart).
Its firm order tally of 185 aircraft to date from 15 airlines is respectable.
Believe it or not, there was a time when 1 million people was a respectable audience.
FORBES: Can Boutique Publishing Be Big Business? NSFW Corp. Says Yes
Booted out, the communists, as in Hungary, were forced to make themselves more respectable.
There is respectable athleticism in the physical tricks, and the visual projections can be impressive.
Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco have all had respectable years thus far.
Before my previous well-prepared marathons I ran respectable times of about three hours and 30 minutes.
And the journals, in turn, determine which economists get tenure and what ideas are considered respectable.
As a result, UnitedHealth has the only respectable dividend yield among the biggest insurers.
FORBES: Still-Recovering UnitedHealth Shares May Be a Bargain
Three goals followed before a late penalty for Greece made the scoreline more respectable but flattering.
Joost is also ignoring the two business models seen as the most respectable alternatives to advertising.
Its hardest-core operatives are trained to live as respectable citizens who break no laws.
It was the Greek culture of respectable tax evasion which helped sink the country's finances.
"The theory has to at least be considered respectable at this point, " he told BBC News.
But he was undeterred in his efforts to build a respectable and viable conservative movement.
Yet the no camp won by a seven-point margin, on a respectable 53% turnout.
PKK, Mr D'Alema's words came as a welcome endorsement of its attempt to make itself respectable.
However, the remaining Final Four teams all had respectable APR scores for the 2009-2010 academic year.
FORBES: When It Comes to Academics, Football Crushes Basketball