Many patients fled Kagadi hospital when Ebola was confirmed, he said, and the facility is struggling to respond to all the call-outs to suspected cases.
"We have high hopes that they will respond to the call from all political powers to dissolve the Mehdi Army and work as a respectable trend with their role in parliament and the political process, " Talabani said at a news conference.
Occasionally I speak at motivational events that are attended by thousands of people, and these people respond resoundingly to the call for a strong greenback.
Juliette DeCarteret, the consultant who sent the e-mail about the kickbacks, did not respond to a phone call seeking comment.
Team Rubicon, a group of military veterans who respond to disaster, have issued the call to members and is heading to the region.
Male great tits respond to the calls of other males by calling back rapidly, and thus overlapping the incoming call with their own.
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It aims to respond to every call within 24 hours, document the result and make it available to callers--including the 30% who don't give a name but can check a case number.
They were taught how to organize themselves into cooperatives and respond to a call for tenders from REMA for supplying seedlings to the district.
Four police officers were suspended after it emerged they did not initially respond to the family's emergency call.
"For example, why should it take much longer to respond to a 999 call in one part of the country than in another, why should the clear-up rates for burglary be so much worse in one town than in another, " he said.
The antibodies seem to respond to only a quarter of the beta amyloid molecule, and the rest of the molecule seems to call the T cells into action.
They go above and beyond the call of duty to respond to people in need.
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In January this year, SAS bosses said the technician who failed to respond to a 999 call to go to Ms Mathieson's aid would never work in Tomintoul again.
The spokeman for the Santa Monica city attorney's office, which was involved in the case, did not immediately respond to CNN's call.
And in an era when companies hold a host of personal information, the fact remains an ambulance can still respond to an emergency call, ferry a patient to hospital but doctors will still have little knowledge of their medical history.
The military had just 20 call-outs to respond to between midnight and 0600 GMT Tuesday.
Ms. Clarke, who rarely speaks to the media during cases, didn't respond to a phone call seeking comment.
In him, dear friends, we learn how to respond to God's call, readily and willingly, but we also see the core of the Christian vocation, which is Christ!
So I hope that whatever the issue is, that we can come together and respond to that call and that desire.
The HART units - made up of seven teams of six - will be on call 24 hours a day at the Ambulance Special Operations Centre (ASOC) to respond to multiple casualties, people trapped in collapsed buildings, flooding or hazardous materials incidents.
Denly reached his second one-day 50 when a thin edge ran beyond third man for his eighth four of the innings, but fell soon after when he was slow to respond to Bopara's call for a quick single and run out by two feet.