When they respond with stunningly stupid answers, the viewers are treated to a great laugh.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called on the Mubarak government not to respond with violence.
They must pay attention to his movements and recitation, and respond with appropriate replies and movements.
Forum to respond with their plans for addressing the challenges laid out by the businesses.
It would be crucial, though, for America and Europe to respond with further monetary easing.
When Mr. Shafer would mention a year, Mr. Fernandez would respond with a descriptive snapshot.
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But Cuddy and her colleagues found that we respond with ambivalence to other personality blends, too.
An amiable Mr Estrada would respond with shoot-from-the-hip answers, or what he considered humorous quips.
To remain competitive, El Salvador has to respond with higher productivity and lower costs.
As the value of the dollar erodes, other countries respond with their own currency manipulation.
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When misfortune strikes, they respond with a calm decisiveness, but the wider world has its own ideas.
The performers must pay attention to his movements and recitation, and respond with appropriate replies and movements.
Lay out three to five objectives, she suggests, and ask your supervisor to respond with a confirmation.
He declined to respond with any specificity when asked about two new classes of submarines also under construction.
Can you please respond with details about the program, how old the kids are, the commitment required, etc.
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But if it takes off, the computer maker may be forced to respond with its own subscription service.
ENGADGET: The Pipeline: Mossberg on Napster to Go, Dvorak on the blogosphere
An affective GPS car-navigation device would respond with a soothing voice when it detects a driver is stressed.
"I already told them -- don't play role of the law, do not respond with violence, " he said.
The Defendants will most likely respond with a motion to dismiss with prejudice.
Expect colleges to respond with shorter degree programs and employers to start looking for better ways to evaluate talent.
"The Chinese economy is growing very fast and we need to respond with a different management system, " says Liu.
The key will be how aggressive the Fed will respond with fresh easing.
As they dance, he intones praises to which the Parachicos respond with cheers.
Gulbis then fashioned a break-point chance in game 10, only for Murray to respond with a service winner of his own.
Your share of their wallets increases as they upgrade to higher-priced products or services and respond with enthusiasm to new offerings.
Instead, critics respond with a non-sequitur: never mind the effects on government budgets, look instead at immigration's impact on the overall economy.
The physicians then learn how to respond with their own appropriate emotions, body language, facial expressions, and words, without losing professional stability.
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Some patients appear to respond with improved cognitive functioning, the company found in two, small clinical trials comparing their product with placebo.
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In return, NATO "must respond with an equally decisive overture, " he said.
When an unexpected crisis occurs, we get caught off guard and are forced to react rather than respond with our highest-level thinking.