And so the size of the system has started to blur the responsibility within the system.
Now that he has, he has a great responsibility to the system that has vaulted him to power.
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He could say that while he disagreed with the court's decision, the justices had the responsibility under our system to decide whether the law was constitutional.
Politicians have voted in favour of a review into where political responsibility for the judicial system should lie.
There is not a two-tiered system of responsibility, one for faculty and another for coaches and athletic directors.
They all have a responsibility to provide a system that helps shoppers compare products and then easily pick the healthiest option if they want to.
But he might not like a further corollary: under a target-zone system, responsibility for exchange-rate management, as well as for controlling inflation, has to be given to the same policymaker.
People on the receiving end of injustice, in this recession, are often middle class, well educated and from work backgrounds where they are accustomed to taking responsibility for how the system functions.
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Not only did the university's administration not inform to the board about the suspicions of and allegations against Sandusky, the board failed in its responsibility in establishing a system to seek such information.
It is our responsibility as lawmakers and as educators to make this system work, but it is the responsibility of every citizen to participate in it.
Although they would continue to set policy, ministers would lose responsibility for regulating the exams system.
The fact that Tyler was on the spectrum does not reduce the school system's responsibility to provide a safe learning environment.
But we can't have large businesses and individuals who can afford coverage game the system by avoiding responsibility to themselves or their employees.
Japan's failure to clean up its banking mess, or to punish those who caused it, partly reflects its system of collective responsibility, under which everybody and nobody is responsible at the same time.
Mr Zapatero's troubles began in late December when the Basque assembly voted for the Ibarretxe plan, which seeks to introduce Basque citizenship, an independent judiciary, a penal system, devolved responsibility for social security and the power to sign international treaties.
The public agency has responsibility for regulating and administering the system of wild deer management in Scotland.
Those of you who have practiced on one side or the other in the criminal justice system know that that system places a special responsibility on prosecutors.
CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement
We have a responsibility to ensure that the housing finance system works efficiently and effectively.
Then you change the judicial system and you bring parental responsibility in.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Interview with Iain Duncan Smith MP, Conservative Party leader
The Minister of Education is the person with the prime responsibility for the organization of the educational system in accordance with the act.
Rich Buss, the company's president, acknowledges that the informal appraisal system places a lot of responsibility on workers to be proactive about offering advice.
As Helen Darling, head of the coalition, points out, other congressional manoeuvres, such as the Patients' Bill of Rights, may also push companies towards a system that gives employees more responsibility.
He asks the younger generation to turn their back on the responsibility to pay into the social security system, as their parents did before them, so that an even earlier generation can look forward to some financial security in their sunset years.
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It is with this purpose that the FRIEND AMIGO Project shares with the UNESCO International Hydroinformatics Centre in Latin America and the Caribbean, shares the responsibility for developing the Integrated Data Base System of the International Hydrological Programme, a project that is being implemented.
Since the mid 1960s, UNESCO has had the responsibility of coordinating the Tsunami Early Warning System in the Pacific and following the devastating Sumatra earthquake in 2004, which resulted in widespread death and destruction across the region, UNESCO has been responsible for the Indian Ocean system as well.
UNESCO: Let's be prepared for tsunami threat in Caribbean, Gulf
It is our responsibility as lawmakers and educators to make this system work.
Senator Le Marquand, whose role includes responsibility for the police, said the judicial system and prosecution service should be part of the chief minister's department.
This week parliament also began work on a bill to overhaul the school system, decentralising much of the responsibility to the provincial and district level.
Some copyright watchdogs say Google's proposed copyright managing system still places too much of the responsibility for policing content on the copyright owner.