Nonetheless, like any responsible IT department, he says the Army's Apple program will closely monitor security updates to Mac-specific programs.
We see the benefits extending to machine operators responsible for the uptime of mission-critical assets, the finance department responsible for calculating the return-on-investment (ROI) of their purchases and the procurement team using M2M to evaluate the agility of their suppliers.
Guernsey States meetings could be broadcast online for the first time by the start of 2014, according to the department responsible.
During 22 years she has been responsible for the Department of microbiology, clinical biology and pneumophtisiology at the Medical School in Algiers.
In its response, BBC Vision - the department responsible for BBC drama - said the overrunning of programmes was a regular occurrence.
The cost of dealing with Guernsey's waste will almost double in the near future, according to the department responsible for disposing of it.
Speaking afterwards, Mr Brown took the opportunity to confirm that the Department of Tourism and Leisure was the department responsible for future TT events.
He told the committee of senior Commons backbenchers that the MoD did seem to have "had a bit of a problem" with leaks - adding that this was "worrying when it is the department responsible for security".
Having managed her state's department responsible for oil and gas exploration and exploitation, having negotiated a long-delayed natural gas pipeline through Canada to the Lower 48 and having been married for nearly two decades to a blue-collar worker in Alaska's North Slope oil fields, she knows more about the subject than all three of the others on the two parties' tickets put together.
"It's about defining the roles between the manager and the technical director in terms of who is ultimately responsible for the performance in the football department, who's responsible for recruiting, who's responsible for players leaving, who's responsible for how the budget is spent, " said Gannon.
Currently the five elected members of the Home Department are responsible for overseeing the force's work.
"We remain as determined as ever to hold those responsible accountable, " Department of Justice spokesman Wyn Hornbuckle said in a statement.
I'm responsible for the shoe department in a small store and now I'm an expert on shoes: heels, flats, sandals, boots, rain boots, everything!
Vijay Padmanabhan, who was a State Department lawyer responsible for Guantanamo-related cases in the Bush administration, said Obama faces three major questions to achieve his goal of shutting Guantanamo.
Obviously, ultimately the head of that department is responsible for it, but let's be clear, there were numerous people involved who were career professionals and work on those kinds of issues every day.
Monsignor Charles Scicluna - a senior Vatican official whose job title is Promoter of Justice and who works in the Vatican department now responsible for disciplining priests who commit grave offences (he also conveniently happens to be of Maltese nationality) - has agreed to meet them in June.
The State Department is the primary institution responsible for the execution of diplomacy, although numerous other players, including the Department of Defense, play critical roles.
William Irwin of the DUP, the deputy chair of the culture committee, said members had "noted with some concern" that the department was only responsible for the delivery of three of the 82 commitments.
For the next three to five months, Myers "will be responsible for reviewing Sanford Police Department's performance as it relates to the Trayvon Martin case as well as provide overall leadership, " according to Colorado Springs police department spokeswoman Barbara Miller.
Ohio's Department of Agriculture is responsible both for permitting and policing large livestock operations--and for promoting them.
The Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) at the Department of Justice, responsible for resolving disputes between federal government agencies, has found differently.
Moreover, as head of the Justice Department, she is responsible for the Immigration and Naturalisation Service, which has its own institutional reasons for holding back.
This week BBC Newsline has been given a car by the Department of Regional Development which along with the Department of Environment is responsible for the Ecar scheme.
She said the new department, which will be responsible for a wide range of rural issues and the food chain, would achieve that.
The Advocacy Center at the Department of Commerce will be responsible for managing and tracking all commercial advocacy reporting for the Task Force.
It was also responsible for the creation of a separate Department of the Air Force from the existing United States Army Air Forces.
He said that fuel inflation and other factors outside of the department's control were responsible for three-quarters of the cost increase over the past year.
BBC: Watchdog warns of defence project delays and overspending
Alex Beard, aged 43 (director oil commodity department), joined Glencore in May 1995 working in the oil commodity department as a marketer, responsible primarily for the CIS region and gaining expertise in high sulphur crudes.
FORBES: Glencore Prospectus Confirms IPO Will Create Six New Billionaires
Luisa Paiewonsky is the Highway Division administrator for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, which is responsible for allocating stimulus funds for transportation projects.
There is a federal agency, the U.S. Department of Education, which is responsible for managing federal financial aid programs, ferreting out discrimination, and assessing the progress of public schools.