While research continues, many schools are approaching kids who might have problems earlier through a strategy known as "responsive intervention" rather than waiting for them to fail, says Dixon Deutsch, executive director of NYC Charter School Center's Special Education Collaborative.
WSJ: ADHD Warning Signs and Kids: Growing Pains or Cause for Concern?
The Presidential memorandum gave lead agencies (The Departments of Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Justice, Labor, and Veterans Affairs, along with the Social Security Administration) 150 days to deliver operational plans responsive to the implementation of the Strategy.
WHITEHOUSE: Moving Forward to Implement the National HIV/AIDS Strategy | The White House
Beyond device-specific content display, the two other pieces to consider when designing your mobile strategy are use case and context, two realms in which responsive design does not contribute meaningfully.
FORBES: Mobile Apps: The Trouble With Using 'Responsive Design'
And the floods were a major challenge to the -- not only the people of Pakistan but also to our strategy, because we had adopted an approach to change how we were doing aid to be much more responsive to what the Pakistanis themselves needed and wanted as opposed to what we thought they should need or want.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing on Afghanistan-Pakistan Annual Review