The thought of not hearing music made Fyodorov sad for the rest of the night.
Though most milongas do include an impressive invitational performance from professional dancers mid-way through the evening, the dance floor is open for improvisation the rest of the night.
For many years, the Rose Bowl provided a chance for the Pacific conference, chronically underrated by the rest of the country (which doesn't stay up for the night games and thinks the Left Coast is pantywaist, anyway) to pull a surprise.
Later, I continue playing for the rest of the night, until about 4 a.m.
For the rest of the night, he would hardly speak.
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The blackness would last for the rest of the afternoon, past twilight and into full night.
As for the rest of the programs last night, well ... only the most masochistic of TV showrunners and network executives even look at ratings during a holiday week (which is to say, pretty much all of them).
"This person is going to be sleeping next to you every night for the rest of your lives -- decades, hopefully, " Nagoski says.
Investec Loyal took the lead for the first time on Tuesday night after the pair had broken away from the rest of the 88-strong fleet from the start in Sydney Harbor on Boxing Day.
Just press and hold a button on the remote control and the My Beam function will instantly "beam" the sound in your direction -- useful for the hard-of-hearing or late-night movie fests while the rest of the household slumbers.
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More rain, perhaps heavy, is expected Tuesday night and Wednesday, but the forecast for the rest of the week is for decent if not flawless weather.
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You know - and doing it for two hours a night, you have, you know the rest of the day.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Breakfast with Frost | Artistic direction
Murray told investigators two days after Jackson's death that he used the surgical anesthetic propofol every night for two months to help him rest for rehearsals.
Up all night with a sick baby and you rest your eyes for just a moment on the way to dropping off the kids at school.
Night was falling, and when we switched off our torches to wait for the rest of the group, a faint green glow emanated from the ground around us.
With a low price fixed room rate from around 250 AED per night you can now "Do Dubai" without blowing your travel budget for the rest of the year.
With one suspect dead, authorities believe answers to a motive and whether the brothers had help rest with Dzhokar Tsarnaev, who was captured Friday night just minutes after authorities had indicated that a massive manhunt for the suspect appeared to come up empty.