The Mobile International segment covers the following sub segments: Germany, Belgium, and Rest of the World.
Its directors aim to give South African artists access to the rest of the world.
Savings rates in the rest of the world are much higher than the U.S.' 3.5% of income.
Cut off from the rest of the world, the Icelanders have maintained an extraordinary continuity with their ancestors.
Aventis had the rights to sell it in the U.S. and Chiron in the rest of the world.
But the real threat to us and to the rest of the world is dollar deflation.
And those exports are growing faster than our trade with the rest of the world.
But the addition of Google makes a particular statement to the rest of the world.
The unlucky half are the 490, 200 who live in the rest of the world.
He added that "the rest of the world" had also failed to predict the credit crunch.
The problem is that those difficult economic times haven't passed the rest of the world by.
They don't want their kids left behind by what the rest of the world knows.
It's another flagship, but this one's setting its sights on the rest of the world.
The added bonus is the rest of the world has access to its history.
That is, unlike the rest of the world, they come from families with problems.
Europe on life support is no fun for Europe or the rest of the world.
Together they represent the voice and face of the corporation to the rest of the world.
This question is not only important to China, but also to the rest of the world.
You introduced the rest of the world to the fabulous and flawlessly chic Rachel Roy.
Yet, much of the rest of the world, ironically, has learned the lessons of Reaganomics.
For Europe, and the rest of the world, the changes required will be painful.
We could follow the rest of the world and consider some form of territorial system.
First introduced in Korea, will be introduced to the rest of the world soon.
The gas boom will carry on throughout the rest of the world as well.
To win the future, America needs to out-educate, out-innovate, and out-build the rest of the world.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Winning the Future through American Innovation | The White House
America would by then have leapfrogged another generation ahead of the rest of the world.
FORBES: Economic Growth, Not Income Redistribution, Is What Helps Us All
To cope, they resort to "depersonalization, " a feeling of numbness toward the rest of the world.
Why such excitement over reports which the rest of the world takes for granted?
Compared to much of the rest of the world, China still looks like a boom town.
It was a decision to save the elephants in the rest of the world from extinction.