Great service gets the average waiter nowhere, says Ms. Homsey, a veteran NYC restaurant manager turned consultant.
Workable roads mean farmers and fishermen can deliver the fresh shrimp, limes and rice to the restaurant manager.
They call Esca and Simon Dean, the restaurant manager, lets them in through a side door on 43rd.
Abu Sufian Khan, also a restaurant manager, added that he hoped it would bring more business to the area.
The 29-year-old restaurant manager had gone to watch a friend finish the race.
Up at the cash register, restaurant manager Mehmet Dilber is jovial as customers queue up to pay their bills.
One fugitive, Amit, a hotel-restaurant manager, said his chef had been hit by three bullets and many colleagues remained inside.
ECONOMIST: A terrorist attack in Mumbai kills at least 100 people
Ian Clark, the assistant restaurant manager, offers anywhere between 25 and 35 cheeses divided into four categories (hard, blue, soft and goat) regardless of their nationality.
WSJ: Bruce Palling on Food: On a Cheese-Selecting Mission With Alain Ducasse
One restaurant manager said his bookings are down almost 60%.
Three people were killed in the blasts: Lu Lingzi, a Boston University graduate student from China, 8-year-old Martin Richard and 29-year-old Krystle Campbell, a restaurant manager from Medford, Mass.
Catriona Spence, 24, a city centre restaurant manager, said she had been forced to put 10 bags of rubbish, which had not been uplifted, back off the street and into a storeroom.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Edinburgh feels effect of strike
Restaurant manager Janina Eckhardt, 20, lives just across the road on Hammersmith Grove from where the shrine has sprung up on adjoining Richford Street, and heard the commotion when Kodjo was stabbed from inside her flat.
The PETA statement did not say how the extraordinary age estimate was determined, but restaurant manager Keith Valenti told CNN that lobsters can grow a pound every seven to 10 years, and he put George's weight at 18 to 20 pounds.
"We've always recycled, tried to conserve energy and home and be ethical, " said Jamie Grainger-Smith, the restaurant's manager.
Matthew Conway, the restaurant's general manager and sommelier, gave the whiskey a whiff.
Mr. Blais says his aha moment came at the same time his namesake restaurant was failing and he was pursuing the restaurant's bar manager.
WSJ: What's Your Workout?: In Pursuit of Love, Chef Learns to Love Running
At every Cheesecake Factory restaurant, a kitchen manager is stationed at the counter where the food comes off the line, and he rates the food on a scale of one to ten.
At Tony's in Houston, which happens to have a really good wine list, the restaurant's general manager, Scott Sulma, told me that his customers ordered the same bottle "about 50%" of the time.
WSJ: Second Thoughts: How to Follow Your First Bottle | On Wine by Lettie Teague
"We have pressure from our suppliers who want only cash, " said Demos Strouthos, manager of a restaurant in central Nicosia.
Michael Desiderio, general manager of the restaurant, gently reminds LeRoy that the staffer was hired for his looks, not his personality.
"We have pressure from our suppliers who want only cash, " Demos Strouthos, manager of a restaurant in central Nicosia, told AFP news agency.
The managers returned home to replicate the training session for the general manager and the chief kitchen manager of every restaurant in their region.
Grieco, founding general manager of Hearth restaurant in the East Village and the Terroir wine-bar franchise, is what the management theorists would call a disruptive force.
Finally, two months ago, Zereoue brought on Casimir Andoh as general manager, a restaurant veteran who has worked for the likes of Jean Georges, to get things on track and generate some buzz.
To find a chef for the hotel's Italian-themed Il Lago restaurant, a Four Seasons manager spent the summer traveling throughout Italy, sampling the gastronomic delights of various Michelin-starred chefs--an enviable task indeed.
At Massimo, an Italian restaurant, co-owner and manager Rich Johnson recently laid off 20 people, leaving a staff of about 30 serving 222 seats.
Sonia Ertel, manager of Lips club and restaurant, said Friday that she cannot be certain Secret Service agents were there.
Fish Yu, a part-time manager of the popular Chinese restaurant Ollie's on 42nd Street, said his restaurant uses at least 150 plastic foam containers a day.