Preparation of the documentation related to the restorationworks executed including, drawings and photographic documentation on restoration process carried out.
"You can do wonderful restorationworks but you haven't yet tackled the things that will continue to cause damage and this is an issue at the level of the urban management of the city, " she said.
Over the intervening days meetings were held with the Office of the Historian of the City of Havana (OHCH) and there was also an inspection of the restorationworks being carried out in the Palace, which are now in their third year.
The Tenth Circuit, however, pointed out that the URAA was fashioned as an example to other countries similarly grappling with the scope of copyright restoration and whether to require royalty payments and restrict derivative works.
The council said the restoration work will cost "millions of pounds", and involves rewiring, replacement of existing heating systems and weatherproofing works.