By implication, of course, that s a prescription for restrained inflation and an end to rate increases.
The Indian Cricket Board had earlier restrained the batsman from playing as Close said Tendulkar needed more rest.
Exploding from the dugout, he had to be restrained from physically attacking the umpire.
"Their collection is a reflection of their personalities: refined, restrained and elegant, " says de Pury.
W. Bush promised restrained federal spending due to the end of the Cold War.
But the government's solution looks to be a retreat into mercantilism, restrained by hints of realism.
After that, the NFIP is projected to break even, with spending restrained to equal revenues.
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Intervention has restrained the unit thus far, although the yen remains close to an all-time high.
Those sensibilities are on display here as well, although more restrained due to the subject matter.
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Perhaps it was a bit more restrained than the Tiger-fest after the 1997 Masters.
However, Richard Schafer, the chief executive of Golden Boy, co-promoters for this event, was less restrained.
In America, applause for the moderate will be moderate, approval for the restrained will be restrained.
It took several minutes before members of the audience restrained the animal, which was later killed.
Two passers-by, who restrained Latchana until police arrived, were commended by the judge, Adele Williams.
He says local authorities must be allowed to charge if traffic is to be restrained.
Regulatory reform in the wake of the latest crash has been far more restrained.
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But third-party spending could become more significant if spending by the political parties is restrained.
Page gives a restrained but brilliantly satirical performance as an intellectual and emotional faker.
The Chinese director Zhang Yimou, having previously worked on a restrained scale, decides to go symphonic.
At Domaine Carneros, Eileen Crane makes wine in a restrained style, with elegance and purity.
The style is quiet and restrained, and all the more affecting for what is left unsaid.
But the Americans are hoping that China's longer-term reaction this time will be somewhat more restrained.
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The soldier was restrained by an officer, who clipped him about the riot helmet.
She added that he was likely to have been restrained by "at least" one person.
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Demand may be restrained if growing traffic congestion outpaces even China's vigorous road-building programme.
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We also have to respond to the situation in a controlled, restrained and calm manner.
Adjusted for inflation, both total spending and primary spending (total spending minus interest payments) have been restrained.
By definition it restrained growth for commercial titans like Ahmanson being forced to depart the productive economy.
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The nose of the Volt is restrained but modern, fitting in comfortably with the Chevy design scheme.
For a quarter of a century or more, the Western response to terrorism has been extraordinarily restrained.