Result: Only individuals can now buy without an immediate write down in declining markets.
Result: The recombination of two very different cultures, compensation approaches and regulatory setups for clients.
However, the Anniesland result left the SNP's reputation as giant killers looking decidedly tattered.
As a result, the silks have now achieved recognition from the style-conscious shoppers of Singapore.
As a result, artists, writers, actors, filmmakers and musicians have long called the Cross home.
The result is a 192% average gain from first-day close over the past three years.
The result arrested a run of three games without a win for the Gunners.
Pensioners are worse off as a result of this Budget, it's a huge surprise.
BBC: Budget 2012: Ministers under fire over tax allowances for pensioners - BBC News
Result: Plausible risks tend to slip by us while more remote eventualities get all the attention.
And there's no way to see the result until the film has been processed.
CNN: In Facebook age, is camera-shyness a thing of the past?
But respecting the election result, no matter what it is, remains the biggest challenge of all.
As a result, a rating that is reasonable in one climate becomes unreasonable in another.
This could stall order growth or result in postponements or cancelations in existing backlog.
Many think Pharmacia saw its valuation suffer as a result of its continuing ownership of Monsanto.
Yes, multi-path is the result of your receiver seeing the same signal more than once.
Defence lawyers had argued the abortion patient's 2009 death was a result of unforeseen complications.
BBC: Kermit Gosnell guilty of three murders in late-term abortions - BBC News
As a result, murder is the subject of many paintings by both Martinez and Graham.
In October 2002, Bristol-Myers said it would restate earnings as a result of the glut.
The slightest touch to the controls can result in huge movements of the aircraft.
The result means Hamilton remain bottom of the Scottish Premier League, two points behind Falkirk.
This result only shows that you cannot take any side for granted these days.
Guests can try their hand at the cooking techniques, and of course, taste the final result.
Any losses in excess of this amount will result in no current income tax benefit.
As a result, the salvaged zones weren't bouncing back faster than the so-called natural areas.
The agreement is a result of roughly five months of negotiations between the firms and securities regulators.
The result is that you could end up paying tax on the same income to two states.
This is because Medicare pays more for complications which can arise as a result of an infection.
The result is a mix of garage, country, blues, rockabilly and more, with a California surf guitar twist.
As a result the two rivals are fighting it out less in the fields than in the courthouse.
Insurers want to see young drivers become safe drivers which in turn will result in more affordable premiums.