Like many of his brethren, Bernanke confuses price changes that result from supply-and-demand factors in a free market with those that result from debasing the currency.
America's monetary pooh-bahs still can't seem to distinguish between price changes that result from supply-and-demand and those that come from traditional debasement of the currency.
At the same time, we also need to talk about the significant opportunities that would result from forward-looking change.
WSJ: Lloyd Blankfein: The Business Plan for American Revival
Three large insurance companies that operate in various parts of the world also have said they will not cover accidents that result from year-2000 issues, he said, declining to name the companies during the teleconference.
CNN: Gartner's year-2000 survey finds widespread disruptions likely
Another clear result from the two-day elections was the wan showing by Mr. Monti's alliance of centrists.
Another clear result from the two-day elections was the disappointing performance of Mr. Monti's alliance of centrists.
The West operates the same way: principles shrouded by cheap talk and actions that result only from self-interest.
The depleted Green Party needs a result from this re-negotiation, which is likely to get under way in the next few weeks.
Until smart pricing evolves to match smart meters, consumers are unlikely to cut their energy use much, and greenhouse gas reductions--an additional advantage that has been promised to result from the smart grid--will likely be minimal.
The support of Moqtadr Sadr's bloc - reportedly the result of pressure from the Iranian government - was crucial.
Vitamin B-12 deficiency can result from a diet lacking in vitamin B-12, which is found mainly in meat, eggs and milk.
Two weeks ago I wrote about some of the unintended, but positive, consequences that could result from employers dropping employer-sponsored health insurance (ESI).
It is said that the requirement for America's Amtrak to become free of operating subsidy by early 2004 is largely the result of competition from low-cost airlines.
However, this approach would result in a disastrous situation for doctors who are not set up to handle the huge administrative difficulties that would result from having to re-bill along with enormous stress on the CMS payment system.
Reporting season neared a close in Australia, with a first-half result from grocery major Woolworths.
Higher inventories are presumably a good thing if they result from informed optimism regarding near-term sales growth.
More than 1, 000 deaths result from alcohol abuse every year - yet just 1% of community pharmacies offer support for the problem.
But it has been losing market share since then as a result of competition from satellite pay-TV providers and telecom operators as well as budding online platforms like Netflix and Google TV.
Repaying debt has become more difficult in part because loan balances have grown and the interest rates on federal loans have increased as a result of a shift from variable-rate to fixed-rate loans.
WSJ: Third of Student-Loan Debt Belongs to Subprime Borrowers
That people have destructive tendencies is beyond doubt (at issue is, of course, the degree to which those tendencies are built in, result from frustration, are socio-culturally conditioned, or are merely retrainable habits).
FORBES: Newtown Is Why You Should Bring Einstein And Freud To Your Holiday Gatherings
Meanwhile Mali had to fight for their 2-0 win over Guinea Bissau, and the result was far from as comfortable as the 4-1 aggregate scoreline suggests.
Although profit was down, backing out a one-time gain from the year-ago figures reverses that result.
FORBES: Within Trend From PCs To Phones Lies Samsung's Besting Of Apple
It is likely that higher prices will result from the flood induced production short-fall.
FORBES: Capital Equipment Likely Needed for Thailand HDD Factory Repairs
An election was now the inevitable result - in circumstances far from favourable for Labour.
The kick is generated by the ripples in space-time that result from the mergers.
The slowing pace is partially a result of growth from Asian and Middle-Eastern regions that have a lower average spend.
The GD300's sleek ergonomic design was the result of input and feedback from wearable-computer users from the military, government and emergency first responders.
ENGADGET: General Dynamics' GD300 is the Pip-Boy that runs Android
Other initiatives, such as investing in a joint venture with Rugby Borough Council for a new crematorium and building new homes for private rent at Middlemore, are expected to result in additional income streams from 2014-15 onwards.