Amazingly, despite the setbacks, these shoots didn't always result in failure.
While specific industry knowledge can be an asset, it also can result in failure to sufficiently consider other approaches to incentive design and performance measurement that may better fit the strategy of the company.
In some states, including Pennsylvania, the failure to meet those deadlines can result in additional failure-to-participate penalties tacked on to tax liabilities at the expiration of the amnesty program.
On one side is the security perspective: the new technology is unproven, unpredictable and could result in an expensive failure.
FORBES: Curb Their Enthusiasm: CEO Optimism Can Be A Security Risk
Rick Miller, a spokesman for the British Dietetic Association, warned that taking too much iron could result in major organ failure.
As a result of this failure in procedures, 1st Credit is re-training staff members concerned and issuing clearer guidelines to all staff regarding the handling of cases such as this.
Along with growing pressure from investors, who want clearer rules on where they stand in the pecking order in the event of corporate failure, this could result in a more sensible, market-sensitive approach to bankruptcy throughout the European Union.
It is widely acknowledged that the "resignation" Craig tendered in November of last year was the result of his failure to manage the difficult politics involved in shutting Gitmo down.
As with any club in the non-league, money is tight, and Rolls accepts failure to win promotion would result in cuts.
Car systems can be engineered so that a systems failure will not result in a crash, he added.
BBC: Toyota sneak previews self-drive car ahead of tech show
Moreover, the report says that in many states failure to register is a criminal offence that could result in fines or imprisonment of up to 10 years.
We have said and made clear throughout this process that they should act and demonstrate living up to their responsibilities, that failure to act would result in consequences.
Failure to comply would result in fees to the preparer.
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ELWa warns that failure to deliver would result in Wales getting caught in the low skills, low growth trap, which in turn would lead to a stagnant labour market, a breakdown of social cohesion and outward migration from many areas.
The court said that failure to do so would result in the arrest being declared illegal.
Failure to follow such rules result in very hefty fines and possible suspension of service.
Failure to do so would result in a corresponding cut in the amount made available by the Commission in future, he said.
The judge said a failure to do this could result in guilty people walking free or "the innocent having their reputations trashed".
Under the Act, a failure to do so will result in delisting.
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It says the assembly government has made clear that failure to do so may result in future provision of capital funding for school improvements being withheld.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | Schools shake-up passes hurdle
Failure to do so may result in less than optimal results in terms of the quality of advice or the perception of external investors regarding the counsel received.
"It cannot be ruled out that the failure of this treaty may result in further strong declines ... in the days and weeks ahead, " Valentin Hofstaetter, an analyst at Austrian bank RZB, said.
Yet, failure to get it right could result in significant liability and expense.
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But the result in terms of dealing with the basic problem is failure.
FORBES: Davos: How Jamie Dimon and JPMorgan Chase Endanger the Public Safety
Failure to pay at all would result in my car being impounded immediately.
Failure to give the information would result in the FAI not registering players at home or abroad next season, Delaney added.
The crisis is a direct result of both sides' failure to make progress in negotiations over post-secession security arrangements, citizenship rules and oil revenues, among other issues that should have been resolved long ago.
Bearing in mind that the dot-com bust came on the heels of so much promise and came also within the context of this transitioning of enterprise and employee culture, there is a palpable sense that failure became an overwhelming result of complexity in many arenas.
Failure to pay within that time will result in a five-year sentence of probation.
The failure to respond within this period will result in suspension of your CPA license.