Ali Rodriguez Araque, OPEC's secretary-general, has pointed out that the change in price is not the result of any change in the balance of supply and demand for oil, and he also said that OPEC has no intention of manipulating the price or supply of oil for political reasons.
Gordon Lishman, director general of Age Concern, said they were fearful that the new framework alone would not result in the cultural change in PCTs needed to reduce the variation.
That is, a temporary dip in earnings is unlikely to result in a change in the dividend, or cause management to make the difficult choice to payout earnings that should be allocated to growing the business, both of which would put downward pressure on the price of the stock.
The surging interest in these plans is a result of the EGTRRA tax law change that became effective in 2002.
The assumption that specific techniques result in client change is not supported by the evidence.
So the net result could well be no change in the overall size of the bureaucracy.
Could the European approval result in more pressure on the FDA to change its mind?
Japan imports nearly all of its oil and natural gas consumption, and the earthquake, having wreaked havoc on select nuclear power facilities, will likely result in a sustained change in the composition of Japanese energy demand, including an increased demand for oil and some refined products.
One unknown since February is a result of the change in leadership in Egypt.
FORBES: If Obama Gets Second Term, Israel's January Attack on Iran Looms Large
The result is a startling change in sex lives across the Middle East.
Fitzpatrick's long-term status in Buffalo had been in question as a result of the coaching change and after the quarterback struggled in his second full year as starter.
Alonso said he felt the result in Spa "didn't change anything" in the championship.
And yet it is precisely Obama's emphasis on the need for change that may ultimately result in the former president sitting on the general election sidelines.
At least two sheriffs in Arizona said that the law won't result in great change for their departments.
The difficulty here is that drugmakers have often ignored manufacturing efficiency for a good reason: A slight change in the production process can occasionally result in a dangerous change in a medicine.
It has calculated that the policy change would result in about 27, 000 additional registrations, which could potentially be covered by the spare capacity in the system currently, although it acknowledged there would be some additional costs such as staffing.
Liberty cannot move forward to buy the rest of the company until mid-2012 because a change of control would result in the loss of the NOL carry-forward.
The IFS estimates that 500, 000 extra people might have to fill in these forms as a result of the change.
Mr Green rejected the suggestion that the change would result in response times increasing or lives being put at risk or lost.
At least with deficit spending we all gain, but a few have achieved tremendous wealth and power as a result of financialization and the change in income distribution.
FORBES: The Great Recession: How We Got Here (and How to Get Out)
But when the company that makes a mistake enjoys a reputation for innovation and superb product quality like Apple, business strategists begin to wonder whether the mistake is just the result of poor judgment or a change in business priorities that may have far reaching consequence for the future of the company.
FORBES: Is Apple Spending More Time on Litigation Than Innovation?
The net result is a zero, or close to zero, change in the domestic (and foreign) job count.
The second result from a rise in capital gains taxes is that it would change the return on investment which would lower the overall rate of saving and investing and as a consequence lower the overall capital investment which in turn would lower GDP growth and expansion.
The International Skating Union has launched an investigation into the controversial pairs final in Salt Lake City but says it cannot change the result.
Failure to address the needed change to the affected market and stabilize the market will result in a drawn-out recovery and longer market correction to stability.
U.S. housing prices started growing above the normal 4% per annum in 1998, a result of a change in U.S. tax law that virtually eliminated capital gains taxes on the gains realized on most people's primary residences.
Perhaps the most significant change of direction in the American debate comes from the result of last November's presidential election.
"If your return is selected because of a high score under the DIF system, the potential is high that an examination of your return will result in a change to your income tax liability, " says an IRS publication that explains the auditing process.
The result was a sharp rise in bankruptcies (and credit-card defaults) before the change came into effect, and an ever sharper fall thereafter.
Oakley said the vote was likely to result in a change in style by Blair's government.