Another retired worker was more optimistic, citing the long history of shipbuilding on the Queen's Island.
Father and Mother benefits, available to surviving spouses who have a child under age 16 of a retired worker or a deceased worker, are available at any age and are not reduced based on age.
In Pennsylvania, one of the most critical swing states, Jane MacLeod, a 73-year-old retired hospital social worker, and Norma Sue Madden, a 78-year-old retired administrative worker for local government, were volunteering for the Obama campaign outside a precinct, offering chairs and other assistance to voters while they waited to vote.
One day I asked this retired steel worker for the secret to his success.
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Mr. AL TANNER (Retired Oil Worker): I think it is not economically feasible.
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"I'll be on vacation, " said Gregg Werkenthin, a retired state worker in Austin who said he generally sides with Democrats.
"We are protesting about pensions, emergency taxes, the high cost of life, " retired factory worker Kyriakos Anastassiadis told the Associated Press.
And then there was the retired postal worker, a picture-perfect grandmother.
On a sunny afternoon on the Chinese side of the river, retired factory worker Liu Weibao takes in a music performance in a riverside park.
Rich Petersen, a 71-year-old retired social worker in Edina, Minn.
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Toyota, with cash to burn (and nothing like GM's retired-worker liabilities), has a strong fuel-cell program but believes that 30 years from now all cars will run on hybrids-Toyota's technological strength.
Robert "Big Red" Rankin is a retired chemical worker and union leader from the blue-collar city of Carson, south of Los Angeles, who recently attended the state party convention in San Jose.
Securitisation created a serious agency problem, leaving loan originators, who were paid up-front, with no incentive to avoid bad credits and every reason to piggyback inappropriate products onto good ones (in one particularly depressing tale, a retired postal worker whose mortgage is almost paid off is switched to an interest-only product that leaves him in danger of losing his home).
The project was started by retired British social worker, Carol Lindsay Smith.
"I'm afraid that so much of the responsibility of individuals is being transferred to Washington, " says Jack Mueller, a 67-year-old retired state government worker.
For example, if an average-income worker split his money, with 60% in stocks and 40% in bonds, and the stock market lost 80% of its value on the day that worker retired, he would still have a higher pension than he would get under the current Social Security system.
Returning officer Chris Brook said Mr Dawson was a semi-retired consultant, Mr Gill a social worker, Mr Skinner a retired fire officer and Mr Thomas a financial analyst.
Mr. Trivelli, a 64-year-old retired Metropolitan Transportation Authority worker, said he had been staying in hotels paid for by FEMA since Sandy destroyed his house in Staten Island's Tottenville neighborhood.
Arthur Elkin, a 60-year-old retired federal-government worker in Delaware, didn't realize he and his wife had made excess contributions to their Roth IRAs for seven years until he started working with a new accountant.
The retirees point to a 2004 opinion written by then-Attorney General Ken Salazar, now secretary of the Interior in the Obama administration, that a retired public-sector worker's pension "becomes a vested contractual obligation of the pension program that is not subject to unilateral change of any type" by the legislature.
He and his wife and their two boys and girl could often be seen playing outside and taking walks, "They are very good parents, always doing things with their kids, " said Marchell Watson, a retired public-transit worker and neighbor, who said the Richard children loved her dogs, named Diva and Lady Gaga.
Mwelu, a retired civil servant, is a volunteer community health worker.
They range in age from early 20s to 70s and include a Wal-Mart worker, a high school teacher, a retired school bus driver and a student in his junior year at Penn State who has ties to the football team and knows some witnesses in the case.