Is the urea in animal waste different from the urea that comes from a retort?
Officials retort that Mr Sarkozy has no intention of aligning the country with America.
But liberal Jewish groups retort that it represents only a sliver of Jewish opinion.
Opponents retort that any such benefits are far outweighed by the damage such crops might do.
Meanwhile some Greeks retort that 11 or 12 is too young to go looking for facts.
So what if a few ethnic take-aways go out of business, some may retort.
Public-health officials retort that this would condemn millions to misery or death from a preventable disease.
ECONOMIST: Banning DDT is a great idea whose time has not yet come
Fund managers are quick to retort that emerging markets were always supposed to be long-term investments.
White House press secretary Scott McClellan had a sharply worded retort when asked about the Kerry statement.
Labour and its allies retort, with justice, that Mr Netanyahu's policies poisoned and paralysed the peace process.
United States, provides a good retort to those who claim that the Justices vote unfailingly along partisan lines.
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" Merric's retort: "I represent people who create trusts, so I'm on their side, not the creditors' side.
Democrats retort that Ms Sotomayor's long and modest record as a judge is more important than her speeches.
ECONOMIST: Which Sonia Sotomayor is the Senate about to confirm?
America and Britain retort that they are as keen as everyone else to sort out the whole mess.
Opponents retort that an elected Lords of any sort will be more assertive, routinely amending and delaying legislation.
Realists may well retort that the true story of 20th-century war-crimes trials was one of failure and compromise.
Big-government conservatives retort that there is only a limited constituency for small government.
Yet opponents retort that to raise taxes on mobile factors is to risk driving them outside the Union altogether.
Dating executives retort that although the industry is not perfect, many of the criticisms levelled at it are unfair.
Most analysts retort that, for all the talk of strategic logic, this was a classic case of expensive defence.
They retort that these were only ever meant as temporary shelter for people on their way home or elsewhere.
Regulators, quite rightly, retort that such modelling techniques are still in their infancy.
The unrepentant anti-economist might retort: better no analysis than so gloomy a science.
Most other countries retort that this would rob it of its main purpose.
Merrell spent five years "mentally" designing an oil shale "retort, " in which pulverized rock is baked, and vaporized oil extracted.
He is probably the single greatest reason why you find the statistics you use to support your story and retort.
The speech drew a quick retort from Berlin, which a French official said wasn't alerted about its content ahead of time.
Look at Greece, the doubters retort: EU-induced budget cuts are pushing it into recession and insurrection, and closer to chaotic default.
The water companies retort that they have paid little corporation tax because the government gave them huge allowances to encourage investment.
Indian producers retort that Bangladesh's jute factories, just under half of which are owned by the state, benefit from unfair export subsidies.