The response of some was repression and retribution, which often provoked further terrorist violence.
Picking up also on your comment about it's not a time for retribution, but reflection.
And the American public is still restive and seeking at least some degree of retribution.
The Office of Special Counsel is investigating more cases of possible retribution against FAA whistleblowers.
An inward-looking culture is inevitable if retribution for past crimes is the main menu of governance.
"969 is very dangerous, " says the man, who spoke on condition of anonymity fearing retribution.
If it's electoral retribution they're worried about, they should look at the last election.
Enron, Dynegy, El Paso and Reliant all faced legal retribution and later disbanded their trading arms.
In addition, the NRA has promised political retribution for legislators who back measures it opposes.
Like using God as a warm-up act, it would be an abuse of faith, inviting retribution.
But I am very wary of my own instinct for retribution, and of yours.
FORBES: The Failure of the American Prison System is a Failure of Justice
These are ways to decrease the chances of retribution while squelching the harassing behavior.
Braithwaite thought he had been embarrassed by a younger kid and wanted to get retribution.
And the U.S. ambassador, Gene A. Kretz, said American interests might face similar retribution.
The army fears they could face retribution should they be returned to their homes and families.
That thirst for retribution could also deter banks, investors and others from participating in the schemes.
Back at the graduation ceremony, Jansen's moral code of reconciliation over retribution returns once again.
The use of prison is usually justified in terms of deterrence, rehabilitation, public protection and retribution.
We should exact retribution for evil done, not excuse it, as any faith-based mercy demands.
They said, some of them said they actually needed that for closure, for a sense of retribution.
The staffers asked their identities be protected out of fear of retribution to themselves and their families.
Would you encourage Democratic leaders in the House and Senate to also forswear any kind of retribution?
Once-boastful militia chiefs were reduced to wan bleating, threatening retribution from across the border in West Timor.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | East Timor: Step Forward, With Caution
These people were in hiding in Bulawayo because they were afraid of retribution from the government army.
Some fear Syrian government retribution if they sign up with the United Nations, creating a paper trail.
The company also claims IBM executives said they could not support AMD without facing retribution from Intel.
Assange denies the allegations and argues they are in retribution for his organization's disclosure of American secrets.
The debate reflects a country torn between the conflicting demands of retribution and the need for reconciliation.
In 2005, fearing retribution from the terrorist group, only about 2 percent of eligible voters cast ballots.