Dr Susan Knowles said most medical notes from the onset of sepsis were made retrospectively.
Derek Simpson, Amicus General Secretary, said workers who had lost their pensions should be compensated retrospectively.
Two contacts of one of the Shanghai cases who developed symptoms are being retrospectively investigated.
The Patriot missile, retrospectively found to be ineffective in 1991, has been improved considerably.
But the worry for all other government-bond markets is that investment terms will be altered retrospectively.
Mr. Immelt said, however, that India's recent moves to tax companies retrospectively would affect overseas investor sentiment.
Badminton officials later explained that a miscalculation required two seconds to be retrospectively added to Kohncke's time.
In the retrospectively giddy 1990s, for example, it wasn't until 1999 that everyone threw caution to the wind.
"To hit people retrospectively, and without any recognition of their circumstance, is a first order mistake, " he said.
The Victims' Commissioner Bill will retrospectively confirm the appointments of four commissioners, rather than one as originally agreed.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Victims' bill on way at Stormont
These criteria provide a clear and useful means to assess not only success retrospectively, but also opportunity prospectively.
But detectives, tipped off by the coroner, did not notice Shipman had altered some of his victims' medical records retrospectively.
It said new rules that could be applied retrospectively were "illegal", hence the decision to file for a judicial review.
Vodafone said a move to retrospectively tax overseas mergers would go against court decisions and legal protections given to investors.
To the Swedish courts, it is arguing that no environmental assessment was made, and that the law was imposed retrospectively.
But that is unlikely to happen in this particular case, our correspondent says, as the legislation would have to be applied retrospectively.
Concerns were raised by Conservative backbencher Christopher Chope, who said he was worried about parts of the bill that would apply "retrospectively".
Attempting to retrospectively change previous pension schemes could not be done - it would be too expensive, especially given the current financial situation.
Retrospectively, he looks foolish (and his efforts were thankfully unsuccessful.) PCs unleashed a wave of personal productivity that benefitted all early adopters.
And then, if all else fails, the bill gives ministers the power to add by parliamentary order further exemptions, applicable retrospectively to any information.
However, as it was issued retrospectively McLaren barrister Mark Philips QC had argued that no actual drive-through took place, so the appeal should be considered.
Second, the study looks retrospectively at all patients who have died though in some cases nobody would expect them to receive end of life care.
Worse, say MPs, is his decision to apply these rules retrospectively.
The new arrangement will kick in retrospectively from April 1, 2011.
One new suggestion is that companies should not alter schemes retrospectively, if the firms miss a performance target, and the bosses miss their bonanzas as a result.
However, it would go against recommendations made last week by the Scottish Law Commission, which said any change to the law should not be applied to cases retrospectively.
"What you were saying about information technologies, what you were saying about environmental issues back then, now retrospectively really do make you look like a prophet, " Markey said.
He added that the authority was "unable to act retrospectively".
BBC: Abu Hamza wife asked to consider downsizing London home
Investors who were supposed to be cheered by talk of getting private capital back to India were instead puzzled by a plan for retrospectively levying tax on big firms.
Some MPs have protested after receiving his letters telling them how much they should pay back, with several arguing that it was unfair and legally questionable to apply new rules retrospectively.