• By the time of the return trip, the two sides may be in position to make further progress.

    CNN: Editorial: Korea's Triumph

  • When it is time for the return trip to Erlian, she manages to convince a jeep driver to take her and a traveling companion for 70 yuan, instead of the usual 100.

    WSJ: A Popular Side Trip for Foreigners in China: Visa Runs

  • Before your trip, your doctor can advise whether melatonin is a good option for you and if so, the appropriate amount to take and when to take it (usually about an hour before the desired sleep time and either upon your return, during your trip, or both).

    CNN: Can melatonin prevent jet lag?

  • The assault was delayed for days, first to allow President Hamid Karzai to return from a trip abroad, and then to give Afghan officials time to try to convince tribal elders from Marjah to align themselves with the government and talk the town's young men into putting down their arms.

    WSJ: U.S. Starts Afghan Surge

  • As a sign of how difficult it is to get back to the Super Bowl, Sunday represented the first time since 2008 that either the Pats or Giants had made a return trip to the big game at all, let alone against each other.

    WSJ: Giants-Patriots Super Bowl Shows Consistency in an Era of Change

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