Mr Richardson, who sometimes acts as a diplomatic troubleshooter, returned to the US on Wednesday.
Most of them returned to the US after being granted an amnesty in 1977.
Most returned to the US following President Jimmy Carter's offer of amnesty to the so-called "draft dodgers".
When she finally returned to the US in September 2011, she was able to support herself with the stable of freelance clients she had built.
We spent a blissful 5 months living, studying, and yes, selling books in the south of France, and then returned to the US to get serious about our business.
Mr Demjanjuk returned to the US, but in 2002 had his US citizenship stripped because of his failure to disclose his work at Nazi camps when he first arrived as a refugee.
Ever since Vladimir Putin returned to the presidency last May, a chill has returned to US-Russian relations, the BBC's Steve Rosenberg reports from Moscow.
Mr Parekh, 31, grew up in Mumbai but left the city to live in the US. He returned to India seven years ago and had a "eureka moment".
The tapes appear to have been sent to the US National Archives, before being returned to Nasa, which stored them at its Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Search on for Moon landing film
This veering off the path of foreign affairs returned us to a discussion of the very same domestic issues that had been thoroughly debated in the first two meetings of the candidates.
Rock Spring Ventures EU is co-led by Sinclair Dunlop, who recently returned from the US to his native Scotland to launch the new fund.
Apart from anything else, if the Fed's and the Bank of England's policies of keeping money cheaper than it has ever been hasn't returned the US and UK to better-than-anaemic growth in the past three years, it is questionable whether it will be a sufficient condition for proper recovery in the next two years.
One look at the risk market shows that Treasury yields are falling as demand for the safety of US government bonds has returned to the market.
Deficit reductions, households needing to repair t heir balance sheets and the compelling notion that the great recession might not be over since the US economy has never returned to its peak previous to the 2008 crisis.
After dropping out of music in the mid-60s, Lightfoot quickly returned to play with the Kenny Ball Band, touring the US, New Zealand and Fiji.
The government used some of these funds to purchase equity in US banks and industrial corporations, much of which had been returned to the government by early 2011.
He returned from Prague to Montreal on 24 May and continued his journey into the US by car.
It wasn't until we returned to the front door with our bags that I realized I had locked us in.
WSJ: Teddy Wayne on Locking Himself Up in Vienna |Traveler's Tale
Influential US commentator David Brooks has returned from a trip to the UK with a new-found love for British politics.
He returned to Afghanistan from exile to bolster support for the former monarch shortly after the US bombing campaign started.
Pte Rivera presented herself at the US border in September 2012 and was arrested and returned to her unit's base in Colorado.
Feeling giddy, we returned to our tent, grabbed the thermal blankets and straw hats that had been provided for us and came back outside to read.
How he addresses them will tell us whether the Mexican people who elected him, and returned his party to power, made a wise choice or a bad mistake.
The US announced recently that a record six populations of fish in its waters returned to healthy levels in 2011, thanks to controversial limits imposed on angry fishermen.
When we were done, we stood in the middle of the room, and I hoped that there would be something else for us to do, but then Father disappeared into his room, and Naima returned to the kitchen.
Mickelson returned from a break to finish second at last week's US Open for a record fifth time in the event.
After September 11, when those of us who worked in that lower-Manhattan neighborhood returned to our offices, one unforgettable memory was the pit called Ground Zero.
Although the Europeans seemed prepared to wait, we reluctantly returned to our car after an hour, and cut back through the peninsula, with a herd of guanacos scampering ahead of us on the road.