"They are our heroes returning home, " declared an announcer in a live television broadcast.
The father, believed to be in the Air Force, was returning home, Richardson said.
Two days later, after returning home from picking up, I realized there were no scissors.
They also play at Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and New Jersey before returning home April 2 against Winnipeg.
Drivers are not used to thinking precisely about how far they will drive before returning home.
On returning home from school, he would lounge against a nearby tree and watch.
Some families are slowly returning home, but "home" must seem like a different country.
Even veterans from the more popular wars did not see instant celebrations upon returning home.
Damilola was returning home when he was stabbed in the thigh with a broken beer bottle.
After returning home to Oyster Bay, New York, Roosevelt issued a public statement standing behind his remarks.
FORBES: Obama Misreads Roosevelt In Speaking In A Rooseveltian Tone
Upon returning home, New York generated eight goals in a pair of 4-3 victories to get even.
And if you're returning home without a job, your No. 1 task should be to find one.
Evacuated townspeople began returning home late Saturday to begin what promises to be a massive cleanup effort.
CNN: Texan town tries to rebuild with community, spirituality
"I was aware of the struggles one must face when returning home from the war, " Ellerton said.
Upon returning home, which at the time was in Connecticut, his re-entry to civilian life was rocky.
Returning home, he bid to construct a 100-mile oil pipeline between Mumbai and Pune for state-owned Hindustan Petroleum.
Mr Mackay, of south east London, was returning home with his family after a holiday in Hemsby, Norfolk.
On the steamless alternative, the train winds instead through the countryside of Kent to Whitstable and the sea before returning home.
The agent was told that Mrs O'Malley would be returning home before her husband because of work commitments.
I've traveled to Dover to meet the flag-draped caskets of 18 Americans returning home to their final resting place.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the Way Forward in Afghanistan and Pakistan | The White House
Many of the passengers who died in the incident were Pakistanis returning home.
Members of the convoy, meanwhile, are returning home to Moscow from Damascus, Syria.
For some, 2012 was the year not just of striking out on to new journeys, but of returning home.
He was looking forward to returning home and attending Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville this fall, his father said.
There are reports of illegal immigrants returning home in such numbers that there are now more leaving than coming.
New York will next play at the Buffalo Sabres on Saturday before returning home to face Carolina on Sunday.
Returning home, Wilder began teaching at the University of Chicago, and making forays into Hollywood, working on various scripts.
In other recent updates, government officials have expressed hope of Chavez returning home.
It was before, he says, two nations and their strange, intractable ways, conspired to deny him from returning home.
She disappeared on Friday night while returning home from work, Indian media reported.