We're going next to a part of Louisiana that is returning to life.
That know-how, coupled with the discipline learned through rigorous training and a sense of responsibility that only dire, life or death situations can instill, makes veterans returning to civilian life uniquely suited to the startup life.
Returning to civilian life was hard, and his family rapidly burned through its savings.
Gone are the days where principled statesmen roamed the political landscape, serving a term or two before returning to private life.
As our role in the Middle East winds down, hundreds of thousands of our military will be returning to civilian life.
Investment firm Diagnostic Capital, which set up Collbio, said the deal was a sign of confidence returning to the life sciences sector.
Apparently the hippies think that returning to medieval life is a suitable way of worshipping Gaia and thus we should all turn out the lights for an hour this evening.
The BBC's Jim Muir in Baghdad says the reopening is part of the Iraqi government's drive to show that life is returning to normal.
"Since he cannot resume his previous occupation or continue to live in Vatican City, the Holy See, trusting in his sincere repentance, wishes to offer him the possibility of returning to a serene family life, " it said.
Thankfully, there have been happier stories that she's been sent to report on for Breakfast - Ellen MacArthur's return after breaking the round-the-world record, when London was given the 2012 Olympics, the heart-warming recovery of Danny Biddle, who nearly died in the July 7 bombings, returning to hospital to thank staff for saving his life.
The two leaders were yet to meet but their commanders had agreed to withdraw their troops and life in the capital was returning to normal.
The evidence that the Church of England is returning to the centre of public life is ambiguous.
But all over the city, life is returning to its usual, strange pace.
FORBES: New Orleans Getting Back To Business after Hurricane Isaac
"Marc is concentrating on returning to full health in everyday life, not thinking about his rugby future, " said Dragons rugby manager Rob Beale.
The storm had subsided and life was returning to normal.
FORBES: Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Superstorm Sandy, and Social Media: A New York City Perspective
Life is slowly returning to a city where nearly 900 people lost their lives, while 200 remain missing.
CNN: Witness to disaster: Six months on from Japan's tsunami
One resident of Musa Qala, Haji Sarfaraz, told the BBC's Pashto Service that life was now returning to normal there.
Life is slowly returning to normal in New York City, where the storm brought a record tidal surge that swamped the subway and caused widespread blackouts.
BBC: Storm Sandy: Obama surveys devastation in Atlantic City
Life appeared to be returning to normal in the region Tuesday as plow crews reopened hundreds of snow-packed roadways that had been made impassable by last weekend's historic blizzard.
As Detroit continues the fight of its life, artists and visionaries are slowly returning to the city to take advantage of the cheap rent and open spaces.
The lawsuit was filed in Florida's Miami-Dade County Circuit Court because of the groups' alleged drug trafficking activities in the state, and because Antonio Caballero lives there now and returning to Colombia to file a claim "would place his life in extreme peril, " the complaint says.
Find out where you'll get a life jacket if an emergency keeps you from returning to your room for yours.
My friends, after three conventions as a candidate or a president, tonight I come to you as a citizen, returning to the role that I have played for most of my life, as a foot soldier in our fight for the future, as we nominate in Boston a true New England patriot for president.
This sense of urgency is another component that keeps people returning to the game, even to the point of scheduling their social life around their crops maturing.
Upon returning home, which at the time was in Connecticut, his re-entry to civilian life was rocky.
After returning the taxi back to a friend and playing with being anonymous, Lee was back into his real life, starring in hugely popular South Korean TV series and making a name for himself in Hollywood.