Charities have broadly welcomed the rules, suggesting they could also help reunite lost dogs with owners.
The movie will also reunite Crowe and Ridley, who worked together on the 2000 movie Gladiator.
The "Hurricane Sandy's Lost Treasures" page is devoted to helping reunite owners with found objects.
"You can't reunite a city if your comments are going to divide a city, " McKendrick said.
That prompted the duo to reunite and quickly record another album under a similar title.
The family's attorney said the parents weren't given the chance to reunite with their daughter.
Alan Wolfe, a professor of politics at Boston College, thinks it time to reunite them.
In the aftermath of war, we cared for survivors and we helped reunite families.
Mr Zaldivar not only has to reunite the party but to reverse its declining fortunes.
Her organisation helps reunite former migrants living in countries such as Australia with their relatives.
You creep around the island attempting to reunite your crew and understand the mysteries of the place.
The four remained in demand as session musicians, and after several years decided to reunite in 1975.
But it is so gratifying to see them when they reunite with their pets after all this time.
They were taken into Saudi custody, given food and new clothes, and allowed to reunite with their families.
Each system contains a unique code to help police reunite owners with their property if it is stolen.
Fadi Fadel, 33, was released April 16 and returned to Montreal last week to reunite with his family.
The stories of foster kids running away to reunite with their often abusive or neglectful parents are manifold.
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As his heart failed, Gonzalez's plight moved the hospital staff to try to reunite him with his parents.
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Now it will try to trace the slaves who worked the fields in order to reunite their descendants.
So far, he has helped reunite more than one million lost adults and 20, 000 children with their families.
Organisers say they are unsure whether the band will reunite again to attend the museum's official opening in May.
In 1976, elections took place in Vietnam for a National Assembly to reunite the two halves of the country.
Yang and his counterparts can thank the California State Controller's Office for trying to reunite them with their money.
Besides forming a potential media powerhouse, the deal would reunite Zuckerberg with his former Facebook friend Sean Parker.
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Families that were split up cannot easily reunite, because the border remains closed.
But with peace talks to reunite Sudan at an advanced stage, the south's proposed new Sudan pound is stirring trouble.
Once it opens, it will reunite the ship and its 19, 000 artefacts - including the skeleton of Hatch, the ship's dog.
When they are done working, the particles reunite with the hydrogen ions and with oxygen in the air to emit water.
Kindle electronic readers are easier to reunite with owners than iPads, airlines say, because they often aren't locked with password protection.
"When you are able to reunite a family it's the most wonderful feeling of job satisfaction, " says a NMPH case worker.