However you make it to the summit, revel in the panoramic views across the verdant Surrey countryside.
If part of being green means having outdoor spaces to revel in, then Copenhagen does that consummately.
Mr. Szoldra and his writers revel in the number of people who take their satire seriously.
To some, she seemed almost to revel in the poverty sired by unbridled procreation.
The British, it seems to me, almost revel in a narrative of national decline.
Indeed, they revel in bursting the bounds of formal portraiture, depicting their sitters in naturalistic or architectural settings.
He constantly champions innovation, refusing to stop and revel in his past accomplishments.
With the niceties of summer long past, it's still nice to revel in the sheer pleasure of innocently glorious ostentation.
Yet there may soon be fewer Americans to revel in this new-found goodwill, as the credit crunch hammers the City.
Revel in the power of Intel Core i5 and i7 processors and enjoy multimedia content with Dolby Home Theatre v4.
ENGADGET: Lenovo announces the ThinkPad X1 Carbon Touch, available now for $1,399 and up
Others were merely happy to revel in the fact that the World Cup dream can continue for at least a few more days.
On hot summer days, relax by the heavenly pool or enjoy the big garden and revel in distant views of the Luberon range.
So fast, in fact, that we all revel in his quirky personality and dig the fact that he comes from Jamaica.
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Mr Robinson seemed to revel in attacks on his "cosy relationship" with Mr McGuinness, insisting people like them to work together.
Per usual, Clinton seemed to revel in his policy wonk persona, once again compartmentalizing his life into distinct personal and professional boxes.
Had it been done that way this time around, it would have been easy for contemporary audiences to revel in the results.
For now, though, we can let GM revel in its California glory.
Buffett and Munger care not a whit for the direction of the market, other than to revel in the opportunities afforded by falling stock prices.
It is apparent that those who have entrenched anti smoking views will revel in the ban on smoking in enclosed public places.
They can afford to be open to new ideas because they are not afraid or threatened by new things, they revel in them.
Always one to revel in a statistical mystery, I have dived into today's employment data to see if I can solve the riddle.
It has allowed Mourinho to revel in his role as relative pauper while pointing the finger and cranking up the pressure on Ferguson.
"It's the wrong end of the stick to think we revel in near-death experiences, " says mountaineer John Cousins, a climber with 35 years' experience.
Delighted customers revel in positive retailer interactions, form a bond of trust between themselves and the retailer, and can communicate their satisfaction to others.
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Many Alaskans revel in the biting air and the pure white of the winter landscape, not to mention the skiing, ice-climbing and snow machine-riding.
But McEwen seems to revel in his solo sprinting, catching onto the Telekom train of Erik Zabel and pouncing when the time is right.
The pros revel in India's new information-technology prowess, the unshackling of business, faster growth and the hope that it will reduce the country's appalling poverty.
Forbes readers should strive to visit it, sample the local porco preto and olives, and revel in the unique, and ancient landscape, of the Alto Alentejo.
FORBES: Marv?o, Portugal: Medieval Castle Renovation or Destruction?
If you revel in the details of astrophysics, the site will give you the basics, then refer you to universities that help put the projects together.
We have a bunch of videos on the way, but for now you can revel in our first close-ups of the controllers in the gallery below.