Eric plans to revive his fossil business, by doing prep work and making casts.
Richardson insisted that the upcoming Western contests in Nevada, New Mexico and California will revive his campaign.
Lisa Harrison, from East Midlands Ambulance Service, talked Mr Jelley through giving a heart massage to revive his one-year-old son.
Before then, the prime minister wants to push through a series of bills that he hopes will revive his fortunes.
To try to revive his fortunes, the president, a Conservative, shuffled his cabinet this week, bringing in seven new ministers.
Clinton's aides say he is not inclined to try to revive his broad health care reform package which failed in 1994.
He outlined Friday his policy to revive his nation after years of malaise by building a strong economy and strong national defense.
The 28-year-old had flown to France to discuss a move to the struggling First Division side in a bid to revive his stalled career.
Give Mr Brown more time, beg the prime minister's dwindling bunch of supporters: new ministers will revive his fortunes, as Lord Mandelson did last year.
With the polls creaking in Bush's favor, Gore has returned as the hard-charging populist, a pose that helped revive his campaign after the Democratic convention.
McMahon has nothing but gratitude for the staff at Hillsborough for helping revive his first team opportunities on Teesside and restore the interest of manager Gareth Southgate.
Max Cleland of Georgia -- one of the Vietnam veteran whom Kerry credits for helping revive his campaign -- as well as campaign workers and union members.
The mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, said yesterday that to help revive his city's economy he'd like to expand casino gambling in the city's major hotels.
Mr Cameron's promise on March 18th to bring in an economy-wide floor price for carbon did much to revive his reputation for greenery, which had sagged as the economy slumped.
ECONOMIST: A looming electricity crunch could trip up a new government
Villa boss Martin O'Neill made a double change after 52 minutes in an attempt to revive his side's hopes, sending on Shaun Maloney and Isaiah Osbourne for Gardner and Luke Moore.
Goalkeeper Brian Baloyi returns to captain the side and Mbulelo Mabizela, dismissed by Tottenham Hotspour last October, is given a chance to revive his international career again even though he has failed to find a new club.
Eight years after being caught on tape trying to cover up NCAA rules violations at Baylor by portraying a murdered player as a drug dealer, Bliss again finds himself a subject of controversy even as he works to revive his career as a coach and administrator at a private school with less than 300 students.
But they insist Clinton will not directly acknowledge he lied even to avoid a full-scale Senate trial that would revive many of his most embarrassing moments of 1998.
But Arun Shourie, the minister for disinvestment (that is, privatisation), has found a way to revive a corner of his largely-stalled programme.
He is 62 years old, and his critics suspect that he is using his three-month stint in court to try to revive the flagging public interest in his work.
Mr Nagatsuma, meanwhile, has become a star of the television chat shows and has helped revive the fortunes of his unhappy party, whose members until recently speculated about its very survival.
Not surprisingly, Mr Gandhi is trying to revive the fortunes of his party in the politically crucial state of Uttar Pradesh, which hasn't seen a Congress government in a quarter of a century - the last time the party even inched close to 100 seats was 20 years ago.
In his final speech, Mr Capriles promised to revive the economy within a year and said his team was already working at their first measures.
But there won't be much time to smell the flowers if Waitt is going to keep his promise to revive Gateway.
The West Indies reply stuttered when Dale Richards was bowled first ball but Devon Smith smashed three fours and two sixes in his 37 to revive the innings.
Palm's EdColliganEd Colligan, meanwhile, must convince investors and analysts that his company can revive and redesign its line of smart phones in the face of Apple's slick iPhone and the top-selling BlackBerry from Research in Motion.
That was enough to get Katsusuke Ihara, the mayor of Iwakuni, on the train to Tokyo in a bid to reopen talks about realignment, and revive the suspended subsidies for his city's fancy new municipal-government building.
ECONOMIST: The local politics of ��realigning�� America's bases
Now, though, that theory may be tested and perhaps revive calls for him to rethink his reluctance to mergers.
His team had to revive forgotten construction techniques and find obsolete materials.
Not content with making films alone, he was determined to use his talents to help revive the fortunes of this historic theatre - not just by giving some remarkable performances recently but by directing new plays, attracting new audiences and braving the critics.
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