The Supercommittee was created in a fit of ambiguous revulsion against the truly gargantuan, obnoxious, deficit.
Police chiefs have worked to try to build on the revulsion felt at Danielle's murder.
However, they will bring revulsion on themselves when they demonstrate their lack of judgement and taste.
We want to express our revulsion and want to praise police officers courage and bravery.
BBC: North Belfast riots: Robinson and McGuinness meet Baggott
On farms, Haber nitrogen ran into much the same revulsion as had greeted the seed drill.
But the rhetoric with which she expresses her despair and revulsion around motherhood is perhaps less familiar.
Video footage of Mr Macia being dragged behind the van caused widespread revulsion when it emerged last month.
While I personally believe PNS is persuasive, the PNS model provokes something closer to revulsion in many people.
Houla is different, because few tragedies have been as well documented and few have prompted such global revulsion.
In the past, the sight of someone missing an arm or a leg could unfortunately trigger revulsion or shock.
Anti-agreement Ulster Unionist Peter Weir said Stone's release, and those of other paramilitary prisoners, would be greeted with revulsion.
"There is utter revulsion in the local community at this act, " he said.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | IRA men 'beat our son to death'
But the residents of Glenbryn did not anticipate the global attention - and revulsion - that their protest would attract.
The closer human replicas get to the human face the greater the sense of revulsion we feel toward the replica.
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It is true that the abolition of the death penalty is seldom the result of an upsurge of general revulsion.
But having made clear their revulsion with the political elite, Greek voters were less clear about what should replace it.
He said feelings of "disapproval, revulsion or outrage" over the evidence heard should have no part to play in their deliberations.
There's generally a big revulsion about the problems created by executive pay.
It is those cases that dominate headlines and provoke revulsion toward pedophiles.
"The public revulsion and condemnation of this cowardly attack shows that the people of Pakistan will not be beaten by terrorists, " he said.
But the process is still regarded with suspicion or revulsion by many, perhaps linked to a wider discomfort with the idea of death.
There is a sense of dismay in these films, a pervasive moral revulsion that we haven't felt in American cinema since the Watergate era.
Close to a century has passed since their devastating deployment by both sides on the battlefields of the First World War prompted widespread revulsion.
What comes out of the nose often grosses out first-timers, but users say the relief outweighs the revulsion, and they get used to it.
Such is the revulsion felt at the age, says Jonathan Glover in this study of 20th-century inhumanity, that ethics need to be completely rethought.
ECONOMIST: 20th-century history (2): ...then the ethics | The
He helped win over American sceptics by recounting how he had overcome his own revulsion at dealing with the IRA for the sake of peace.
Few cases in recent years have aroused such shock and revulsion.
This investment has provoked a wave of revulsion and a backlash.
Even a mild business downturn could cause a revulsion against the kind of easy credit that put so many houses within financial reach (or seemed to).
They also want to enlist the help of other sectors of the community and have asked councillors, clergy and other townspeople to express revulsion at "bigoted activity".