The three groups met Thursday in Chicago to discuss how to rework the bills.
And we've said, in some cases, you may just have to rework the school entirely.
Plans to rework a Cotswolds playground after complaints were made about it being "too bright" have been scrapped.
Can apply to rework the mortgage but only after I miss at least two payments (Fannie Mae rule).
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Now, changes in China's labor patterns are setting back that progress and forcing business partners to rework arrangements.
Square, a startup led by Twitter inventor Jack Dorsey, is also trying to rework the point-of-sale process.
We typically bring in a team of experts to rework the development plan with a lean, fast-to-PoC project-financing mindset.
Banks will rework their calculations and slap on charges to their customers or reduce the benefits in rewards programs.
Several past efforts to rework Social Security were quickly rebuffed amid voter fears that seniors could lose their benefits.
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One need only read the table of contents in their REWORK book.
Picasso tended to work and rework pictures, such as his famed "Armchair Woman" series, of which Christie's has 28 examples.
When it is ultimately discovered that the output does not delight the customer, a significant amount of rework is probable.
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The more moving parts required to get work done, the more chance there is of creating confusion, rework, variance and other inefficiencies.
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Hayley Darden has spent the last four years doing talent-related work at Ashoka ( and is on the Rework advisory team.
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Meanwhile, the longer it takes to rework the Fort Washington plant, the more difficult it will become to regain lost shelf space.
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"We stood on a manifesto that we would rework our relations with the European Union, that we would have a renegotiation, " he said.
Two music directors, including the 85-year-old music maestro Naushad, have been brought in to rework and clean up original songs with new generation technology.
The loan gives Chief Executive Mike Ullman some breathing room, as he attempts to rework the turnaround strategy attempted by the ousted Ron Johnson.
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Now, changes in China's labor patterns are setting back that progress and forcing business partners to rework arrangements they thought had been nailed down.
Earlier Bob Stubbs, the chief executive of Wembley National Stadium Ltd, dismissed calls to rework the design and said the report contained factual inaccuracies.
It was filmed in 2004, including several scenes shot at Fenway - and Boston's unexpected success reportedly forced the film-makers to rework the ending.
Neither model comes with any additional numbers in their titles title, however -- that's a conscious decision on Leica's part to rework its naming policy.
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Education Secretary Michael Gove says he aims eventually to rework the equivalent scores given to vocational courses, with some still be considered to be worth at least one GCSE.
Moreover, although the original accord applied only to banks in big countries, it has become the de facto global standard, making it even harder to rework.
Bankruptcies in the airline industry have a way of leading to mergers, as carriers use court protection to rework contracts and emerge with better cost structures.
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At a hearing in December, the judge seemed inclined to rework at least a few of the jury's damages calculations, but gave no indication by what amount.
But because we have gotten a couple of questions on the topic recently, we decided to rework it and publish it here as quickly as we could.
But that rework would not do a lot for Microsoft, Yahoo, Amazon, or others who want access and similar rights as Google has to this trove of works.
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The Giants, who missed the playoffs with a 9-7 record after winning the Super Bowl the previous season, could create more space if they rework tackle David Diehl's contract.
One of his most significant projects at Treasury has been the Hope Now Alliance, a group of government and lending interests trying to rework consumers' mortgages to prevent foreclosures.