The U.S. space program launched a rhesus monkey into space from New Mexico in 1948.
Pictures of the bundled-up rhesus macaque were spread around the world by social media.
They trained rhesus monkeys on a task that was, in a crude sense, a monkey IQ test.
Yasmin Nakhuda said her rhesus macaque is always by her side, even when she sleeps and showers.
You might not know it from the war room's poster-size photo of a rhesus monkey slumped against a tree branch.
He also poked fun at himself with John Goodman's line about even a rhesus monkey being able to direct a film.
This invited abuse from them, in much the same way that once isolated rhesus monkeys seemed to invite abuse from the colony.
There is still no proof that restricting calories extends human life spans, however, and two recent studies with rhesus monkeys produced conflicting results.
Mitalipov's breakthrough was the result of merging skin cells of a 9-year-old rhesus macaque male with unfertilized monkey eggs that had the DNA removed.
Then Harry Harlow, a professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, produced a series of influential studies involving baby rhesus monkeys.
The antiviral gene comes from a rhesus macaque, and produces a protein called a restriction factor that can resist Aids-causing viruses affecting other animals.
Most efforts, including the recent news of a disease-detecting rhesus monkey (bred with a glowing jellyfish gene), focus on improving the characteristics of existing organisms.
Tests on rhesus monkeys are ongoing and look promising so far.
Nicolelis and colleagues have shown that a rhesus monkey in North Carolina could, using only its brain, control the walking patterns of a robot in Japan.
Some women are rhesus negative and they need to be given an injection after the baby is born to protect any future child from getting anaemia.
Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary currently has 22 monkeys on site, with Darwin and two female rhesus monkeys scheduled to arrive over the next few weeks.
The researchers will look to see if their immune systems respond to the booster shots in the same way that those of the rhesus macaque monkeys did.
The researchers tried this three-stage vaccine on rhesus macaques.
He successfully implanted his device in normal rhesus monkeys without disturbing their hearing or sense of balance, and he was able to spark the vestibular system so that the monkeys' eyes moved as if they were spinning.
On May 28, 1959 a rhesus monkey named Able and a squirrel monkey named Miss Baker blasted off on an American Jupiter missile and became the first primates to successfully travel into space and return to Earth alive.