" the official asked rhetorically, adding that Diskin's attack seemed more "personal than policy.
Rhetorically, it veered from high-class boilerplate to strong and simple sentences, but it was not pedestrian.
His favourite animal is the rhinoceros, and rhetorically he charges ahead in much the same way.
ECONOMIST: Germany��s parliamentary election: Charging at Merkel | The
Fear of the impending election seems to be pushing the SPD further to the left, at least rhetorically.
Rhetorically, the Obama team has definitely taken a harsher approach toward Israel compared to its tone during the campaign.
By the end of the debate, Abou El Fadl felt that he'd been mocked, ignored, and rhetorically run over.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: How the Saudis control the voice of Islam in America
It is a pity that an important topic like contemporary food mores, which deserves serious study, is treated so rhetorically.
WSJ: Bruce Palling on Food: Taking a Bite Out of Foodie Culture
Nor is tax reform likely to get anywhere this year or next despite Mr. Obama's support, at least rhetorically, for the idea.
President Ahmadinejad has only been in office for less than a year and has worked hard, at least rhetorically, to cement his position.
He asks rhetorically whether leaders of future generations will think differently.
British leaders know they need to engage rhetorically to sustain public support during a war that promises to be long -- and, at least occasionally, unsuccessful.
At a time when politicians are, rhetorically at least, dialing up their criticism of tax expenditures, operating vouchers as refundable credits would create a massive new one.
FORBES: Spending Caps, Medicare Vouchers And Magical Thinking In Washington
But a key difference is that Reagan rhetorically always tried to find common ground between Americans and could be loved even by those who disagreed with him.
President Obama rhetorically blowtorched the Republicans for forcing him to the wall over the debt limit increase to get those spending cuts, and continues to do so.
FORBES: The Loud and Clear Message In President Obama's Budget
The idea of folk games is a dead end, rhetorically: people have knocked balls against walls for many years, but it is possible to have Breakout clones.
Soon thereafter, Mr. Earle's hometown newspaper ran a biting editorial about his investigation, rhetorically asking what the point had been, after all, if I wasn't to be indicted.
So, I don't know what can be worse than flipping and flopping, but I guess they found at least the way to rhetorically take it over the top.
But a fundamental proposition here, which at least rhetorically has been addressed but not in any substantive way, is that revenues have to be a part of this.
The author asks rhetorically, who are the disadvantaged and weak?
What is a stromatolite? he asks rhetorically, his eyes gleaming.
What family ever agrees about anything, asked one consultant rhetorically.
Besides, when they interview him, even if they could slice him up rhetorically into itty-bitty pieces -- and I'm not sure they could -- why would they want to?
And there I cannot but discover a new vitality in Britain, a new determination to be somebody in the world, not just rhetorically but measurable in terms of increased significance.
BBC: NEWS | Europe | Letter: Europe's stereotypes need rethinking
" And, he asked rhetorically, "is the youth and pleasure offered by the devil very far from the eternal youth and virility that we crave from modern medicine and health science?
Rhetorically, the Democrats were the more libertarian party.