Jude's share price plunged 10% after public attention focused on the Riata leads a month ago.
Jude Medical was not involved with organizing, nor did we sponsor or fund, the Riata Summit.
FORBES: St Jude Medical Statement on the Riata ICD Lead Summit
In response to the guest post summarizing the Riata ICD Lead Summit, St.
FORBES: St Jude Medical Statement on the Riata ICD Lead Summit
It is not yet clear how Riata will compare with Fidelis, he said.
Hopefully, small diameter leads like Riata ST Optim and Durata are up to the challenge and will do well.
FORBES: Robert Hauser, ICD Watchdog, Offers Viewpoint On Riata Controversy At HRS
Today, Dr. Rebecca Noad and colleagues reported their excellent results with extracting Riata and Riata ST leads with and without insulation breaches.
FORBES: Robert Hauser, ICD Watchdog, Offers Viewpoint On Riata Controversy At HRS
Jude, which stopped selling Riata-series leads in 2010, recommends against removing the devices before they malfunction, because the risk of complications is considered high.
Dr. Ellis acknowledged that the Vanderbilt approach is aggressive, but he said the group's rate of complications appears lower than the risk of Riata problems.
By nature, Mr. Minton, Dr. Ellis's patient, said he was inclined to deal with his Riata problem upfront, even if the procedure brings its own risks.
Additional information about both Riata and Durata leads is available in the presentation from the summit by Dr. Mark Carlson, Chief Medical Officer of the St.
FORBES: St Jude Medical Statement on the Riata ICD Lead Summit
Perhaps we should all be passing a stylet down a Riata lead at the time of PG change, even if the externalized cables are not visible on fluoroscopy.
FORBES: Robert Hauser, ICD Watchdog, Offers Viewpoint On Riata Controversy At HRS
Veteran extractors have emphasized the difficulties encountered in extracting Riata leads, particularly with externalized cables, with frequent need for 16 French sheaths, which we know increase procedural risk.
FORBES: Robert Hauser, ICD Watchdog, Offers Viewpoint On Riata Controversy At HRS
The company even went so far as to request a retraction of an article that raised questions about Riata in Heart Rhythm by Robert Hauser, a distinguished electrophysiologist.
Laurence Epstein, chief of cardiac arrhythmia at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, said that because the true risks of Riata are unclear, he leaves the choice up to his patients.
Hauser has played key roles in the Riata and several other similar, highly disturbing cases, including those involving the Sprint Fidelis ICD leads and the Prizm 2 DR ICD device malfunction.
FORBES: Robert Hauser, ICD Watchdog, Offers Viewpoint On Riata Controversy At HRS
Jay Schloss deserves special mention for live-tweeting a closed Riata symposium and then keeping CardioBrief readers fully informed about each major development of this important case as it slowly unfolded this past year.
Near the end of the meeting a leading figure in the field, Dr. Robert Hauser, of the Minneapolis Heart Institute, summarized the current state of the Riata crisis and discussed its broader implications.
FORBES: Robert Hauser, ICD Watchdog, Offers Viewpoint On Riata Controversy At HRS