And the country's debt-ridden companies should on the whole be selling equity, not buying it.
Its tracks, which cover 175.3km total, are ridden by about 2.4 million people each day.
In fact, it had become arguably the most gangster-ridden major industrial company in Russia.
Glass has ridden the private equity roller coaster since graduating from Stanford Business School in 1988.
Microsoft cannot get away with bug-ridden software and hope to send fixes later on.
She had ridden out the twister in the basement of her landlord's office nearby.
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Airbus has long ridden the tailwinds of Boeing, the world's largest commercial jet maker.
After an anxiety ridden afternoon and evening, her stand-in finally called her at 11:00 PM.
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The horse trained by John Terranova II and ridden by Luis Saez was at 37-1 odds.
Boxers in his gym typically come from troubled backgrounds -- broken families, crime-ridden neighborhoods, absentee fathers.
The film is set in a bleak, gossip-ridden Northern Irish town in the early sixties.
The region's debt-ridden banks and companies face takeover by cash-rich North American and European multinationals.
Thus, we have today's regulation-ridden system in which patients feel they are not in charge.
That scandal-ridden agency, rife with conflicts of interest, was notably lax in its performance.
Instead, the young people grew up in crime-ridden areas with few positive role models.
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Vietnam could play a broader role in some of the world's destitute and conflict-ridden zones.
Branca and McClain have led the Estate from a debt-ridden start to enormous profits.
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And because of the program's complexity, even the best produce their share of bug-ridden software.
Debt-ridden Greece also faces an election on May 6 that hinges on the economy.
So why are fermented saliva, decomposed shark and maggot-ridden cheese so desirable in some cultures?
American Owen Hardy, chief of the Society of International Railway Travelers, has ridden both trains.
The literary world is chock-full of angst-ridden memoirs about unhappy marriages and the inevitable spiritual awakening.
The man who has ridden the lead elephant through the entire parade is Bello the Clown.
Having ridden for Venetia Williams in 2002, he has now signed up with Edward O'Grady.
Debt-ridden oil companies, they now promise, will be denied export permits until they do.
Many debt-ridden firms are like walking dead, with little incentive to work things out.
Another bunch of banks merged into a new one, leaving their debt-ridden shells behind.
He spent his childhood in a gang-ridden neighborhood in South Central Los Angeles, California.
Governments, with only tenuous authority in such a conflict-ridden country, have dodged this controversial possibility.
He has cut civil-service pay by 5%, raised VAT and ridden out a general strike.