He got tickets for Peter Pan but he had to ride the bus out to her home to pick her up and after the show he had to take her home by bus.
But Nares met many families along the way who didn't have such support: Single moms forced to take leave from jobs without pay, kids having to ride the bus alone to their chemotherapy appointments, siblings left home alone.
"You wouldn't think after the ship nightmare, that on the bus ride to New Orleans, the bus would break down, " passenger Jacob Combs said after the bus arrived in New Orleans following a 45-minute roadside delay.
Although mother and children spent the summer in the country, the bread-earning fathers (usually lower middle class then) took the long bus ride from the city on Friday evening and returned on Sunday afternoon.
And for the cost of a cheap public transport ticket you can ride the harbor boat-bus around the entire channel and see the same sites as the tourist boats (and even hop off and on along the way).
During the bus ride from Beijing airport to the Shangri-La Hotel, the tour guide kept mentioning housing prices.
"People get up every day and use a lot of different forms of transportation without thinking about the safety factor, and we don't want them to worry about the safety of the bus they ride on or the highway they drive on, " LaHood said.
"We can enjoy it on the bus ride home, " Michigan State's Adreian Payne said before the team's 90-mile ride back to campus.
Happily, the pests don't usually hitch a ride on a bus to the Big Apple.
CNN: Greyhound bus ride turned into roach-fest, passengers say
Coming from Manila, the journey begins with a pleasant three to four hour bus ride to the town of San Antonio.
An hour earlier, we had imagined hostile stares from some villagers as we walked the uphill road through town along the valley between sharply rising mountainsides a four-hour bus ride from the coast.
She and her mother-in-law took the 10-hour bus ride down to Camp Bucca in the stifling heat of summer, only to find that she was not on the list of those authorized to see her husband.
They took nothing with them -- just documents, some money and some food for the bus ride.
During the bus ride to our car, I kissed my wife and bid her a Merry Christmas.
Two soldiers will ride each bus in the capital, Tegucigalpa, and the second city, San Pedro Sula.
"Fifteen minutes into the ride, there was a phone call to the bus and the driver took the call and spoke to the other agents, and turned the bus around", he said.
The bus tour guide, during the ride from the Beijing airport to the Shangri-La hotel, kept mentioning house prices.
Some 500 Buddhist monks and scholars from across South Asia and the West have gathered in the tiny village of Lumbini, a long day's bus ride from Kathmandu on the Indian border.
Ms. McCarthy organized the first bus ride around that time, Mr. Hackett says.
It will also reduce subsidies to external projects including the Walk and Ride bus service and Lincoln Drill Hall.
"It was difficult circumstances and preparations, " Gannon said after a game played in searing heat and a three-hour bus ride to the stadium.
After a 45-minute bus ride from the city centre, the mid-sized tour of mostly Sydney locals begins with a photography lesson on Wattamolla beach, two and a half hours before sunset.
"Flooding, snow, high winds, avalanche risk, slips and rock falls can all occur at any time of the year, " says Christine Officer, program manager at the DOC office in Te Anau (a two-hour bus ride from Queenstown), which manages the Milford Track.
Three times a week she wakes up at 4 a.m. and takes an hour-long bus ride to visit the Juarez Market, where she purchases fresh supplies for her neighborhood grocery shop.
Dawn decided to appeal to her second choice school, Cheam High School, which is a bus ride away but the school Catherine most wanted to attend because many of her friends had a place.
The algorithm could be of great interest to Twitter, which could charge a premium for ads linked to popular topics, but it also represents a new approach to statistical analysis that could, in theory, apply to any quantity that varies over time: the duration of a bus ride, ticket sales for films, maybe even stock prices.
FORBES: Twitter Trending Prediction Algorithm: Possibly Of Most Use To Journalists
For example, poor people stay in drought-hit villages when the city is just a bus ride away.
The Chinatown bus business developed in the 1990s to offer recent immigrants an inexpensive van ride around town and, later on, between cities.
The ring and ride service, which runs on Fridays, is being operated by the Newton Abbot Community Bus organisation.