Everyone knows the game is rigged for the house, but they play on in search of a tell.
"We can't tolerate a market rigged for the benefit of insiders and their cronies, " he added.
Until a third of a century ago the New York Stock Exchange rigged prices.
In California both parties, by mutual agreement, rigged districts so that every incumbent would win reelection.
He lives in a neat house on a quiet cul-de-sac, rigged with radio-controlled motion detectors.
And their decisions have far greater credibility than any jerry-rigged commission system ever could.
Charles McKenzie is alleged to have rigged up a "dangerous transformer assembly" at his Dundee flat.
President Mwai Kibaki's victory looked rigged, and vicious riots and looting were sweeping the country.
Opposition leader Raila Odinga says the presidential vote was rigged and he was robbed of victory.
The public sentiment is that Wall Street is rigged against the individual investor.
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Many sites have rigged their search optimization to get onto the first page of Google results.
"Our markets remain rigged by illegal free music, " said IFPI chief executive Frances Moore.
Two days after we moved in, I rigged a 60-foot wire between two trees out back.
In total, around 75 "Lion Light" systems have so far been rigged up around Kenya.
But what if, as some corporate governance experts claim, the executive-pay market is becoming less rigged?
Whether Netanyahu is dealing with Obama or European leaders, the game is rigged against us.
Where Peterffy saw innovation, Jones saw somebody breaking the rules with a jury-rigged terminal.
Or the jerry-rigged arrangement could fall apart as GM's efforts to unload Hughes dies another day.
Most teams brought an average of two dozen rods between them, all rigged differently for different conditions.
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In the back a "windmill" has been rigged up which touches an Oyster card onto a reader.
Mr Fujimori's regime collapsed after he illegally sought a third term, winning a rigged election in 2000.
When Mr Morgan stood against Mr Davies, Millbank rigged the rules to minimise his chances of winning.
One is simply that the rich have rigged the game so that they get all the money.
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He rigged local utility prices to bring profits to middle-men, while coalminers and power stations went unpaid.
It was the first tournament we did in March of 1980, and I think (Byers) rigged it.
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Homeowners are just the latest group to come out and say they were hurt by rigged rates.
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The malicious PDF files were rigged with exploits attacking Adobe Reader versions 11 and 10, according to Kaspersky.
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Odinga and his supporters claim the election was rigged, and international observers noted some irregularities with the voting.
Over the years, a parade of lobbyists has rigged the tax code to benefit particular companies and industries.
It is more apparent than ever that the game is rigged in favor of special interests and cronies.