And I think we want to know exactly what happened with the rigging of Libor.
The barrel alone weighs nearly 900 pounds, 1, 600 total including the authentic period wheels and rigging.
But Issack Hassan, from the electoral body, denied that any rigging had taken place.
The MPs said that the rate-rigging had done "great damage" to the UK's reputation.
The bank was also recently fined for being embroiled in a global rate-rigging scandal.
Deutsche has already said it has set aside money to cover any litigation costs over rate-rigging.
BBC: Deutsche Bank suspends traders for alleged Libor-rigging
There has been some SPLM intimidation but been few allegations of rigging and no boycotts.
ECONOMIST: Rigged in the north, more or less fair in the south
The British financial establishment urgently needs to address suspicions it was complicit in rate-rigging.
The Libor-rigging scandal could have been the failure of other regulators, as Mr. Geithner suggests.
PLC, was "sickened" by the guys not in the room: the Barclays bankers rigging rates.
Mr Ibrahim has in the past made allegations of vote-rigging, which the government strongly rejects.
Emails from traders cited as evidence for the Libor rigging are particularly lurid, according to sources.
It is because the market was opened up to competition after years of inefficiency and price-rigging.
It allowed us to stitch sails and rigging, leading to the exploration and colonization of the globe.
This involved day-to-day rigging of Barclays' submission to the mechanism that sets this key inter-bank interest rate.
In 2009, the World Bank complained about "systemic corruption and bid rigging" in Philippine public works projects.
The machines are operated by technicians and built to fit into existing rigging used by human cleaners.
Bid-rigging is illegal in all sorts of other markets, so why do private-equity funds get a pass?
Mugabe survived a hotly contested presidential challenge from Tsvangirai in 2002, amid widespread accusations of vote rigging.
Farooq lost his main plank of autonomy and, after the poll, was accused of rigging the results.
Its Japanese securities business plead guilty to one count of wire fraud tied to rigging Yen Libor.
FORBES: RBS Latest To Cough Up Libor Settlement, Will Pay $615 Million
Do you have evidence that there is any, as you put it, bid rigging or price fixing?
For Latin America's sake, as well as Peru's, it is essential to draw the line against ballot-rigging.
Swiss bank UBS is reportedly near a settlement with American and British regulators over interest-rate rigging.
FORBES: Libor Scandal Extended To UBS: Bank Reportedly Near $450M Settlement With Regulators
As for Libor settlements, Barclays and UBS are just the first two banks to settle rate-rigging allegations.
Those most affected will be 1500 people in the investment bank division where the Libor rigging took place.
In other words, the Fed is investing in U.S. stocks and in essence is rigging the equity markets.
With so many possibilities for subtle rigging, it may seem odd that the crude stuff remains so popular.
Inside are human skulls, life vests from Japanese whalers, the proud figurehead of a galleon, brass cannons, rigging and sea-worn chains.
The Swiss bank is said to be nearing a settlement with American and British regulators over interest-rate rigging.
FORBES: Why UBS Is Better Off Than Barclays In Libor Rigging Case