Unfortunately, this doesn't work well if the first spouse to die doesn't have enough of the right kind of assets in his own name to fill the trust.
Indeed, our legal system has long recognized that we all have a "right of publicity, " which means that we each have the right to control the use of our name, image and likeness.
Dr Turner, 30, who grew up near Letchworth, Hertfordshire, and holds a research post at the University of the West Indies, and Mrs Davies, 63, of Valley, Anglesey, waived their right to anonymity to clear the name of Mr Crawford.
Dr Turner, 30, who grew up near Letchworth, Hertfordshire, and holds a research post at the University of the West Indies, and Mrs Davies, 63, of Valley in Anglesey, Wales, waived their right to anonymity to clear the name of Mr Crawford.
To conclude, it is clear that the political environment in which this litigation is taking place cannot lead to a just resolution of the case because formal justice and right procedure have been compromised in the name of social, economic and historical justice.
But to take the administrator of the GSA, who none of us can name right here, right?
The jobs data for the first quarter say the Republicans had it right, both in the name of job creation and social justice.
The sale of big-name players over the past year continued right up until the last day of the transfer window as the club cashed in on many of its prized playing assets.
The UN has the right to administer Iraq in the name of the world.
On 10 December 1936, the king signed away his right to the throne in the name of love.
Out of 12 soldiers from Galashiels Detachment, A Company, 52 Lowland Volunteers, 6th Battalion, Royal Regiment of Scotland, to give it its full name, four of them are serving in Helmand right now.
The right-wing critique is in the name of community and morality.
The sort of democracy that would now allow Leanne Wood, the leader of Plaid Cymru, to keep to her word and fight for a constituency seat in 2016, but - just in case - keep her name right there at the top of the regional list.
Apple is a play on the last name of a prominent far-right German leader.
The name of each bone was written right on the skeleton and "Larry" was inscribed on the forehead.
He did not care whether his name was on the right or left of the poster, and bigger or smaller than Steve McQueen's.
The right to pursue the owner or registrant of a domain name used to access an Internet site dedicated to infringing activities is also an excellent deterrent and will provide the means to bring action against such infringers or their allies.
The domain name identity crisis is worrisome right now because of the recent untimely death of Jon Postel, the guru of Internet names and numbers.
For example, the company's argument rests partly on the idea that disclosing a customer's name would impinge on the First Amendment right of free association.
WSJ: FBI Secretive 'National Security Letter' Demand for Phone Records Faces Rare Challenge
Entrants further grant Sponsor the right to use and publish their proper name and state of residence online, in print and any other media in connection with this contest.
At the same time, this is not an opportunity to deny an important right that has been created for women in the name of religion where religion is simply not the issue.
After the Mid-Staffordshire scandal and the subsequent Francis report, transparency is the new name of the game for the NHS right across the UK. Today's release is a big part of that response in Wales.
The best part of this is that they even gave him the right name: Mr. Bubbles.
Your name tag is on the upper right hand side of your suit or dress.
If one of your less motivated friends has been inactive for over 30 days, a shaming couch icon appears to the left of their name and a megaphone button to the right.
The BCSB has no right to fine banks in breach of the code, but it can name and shame them.
He was right to encourage the fire of liberty but wrong to lend his great name to Robespierre, Marat and the rest.
Voters came out heavily in support of parties that are much further to both the left and the right in a clear rebuke of the status quo of austerity in the name of the broader European vision.
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" I remember once waking up from a dream in which my mother, dead now for thirty-three years, was sipping tea at my kitchen table, reading a newspaper on the back of which there was the headline "Wrong Man, Right Name, Convicted in Murder Trial.
Plus, I have a household name and I thought I should capitalize off of it right now.
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