First Sergeant GABRA DOBOS (U.S. Soldier): See those rocks right over there off to the left-hand side, John?
Ms. JENNIFER SHARPE: Well, we're going right over there, to Bob Baker's Marionette Theater.
Right over there. (Applause.) We are grateful to you.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Vice President Biden Visit Troops at Fort Campbell | The White House
We were able to assist and get the right people over there to get them out.
That's the accountability that we need as taxpayers and citizens to ensure that people did the right thing over there.
"Right now, over there in that drawer I can take out, without exaggerating, six different proposed models, some with constitutional reforms, some without, " Penchyna, a senator from Mexico's eastern Hidalgo state and former national PRI spokesman, said in an interview this week.
Not exactly words to make someone smack his forehead and cry, "Get me over there right now!"
WSJ: Corcoran Gallery of Art | Another Museum Mulls Pulling Up Stakes | By Eric Gibson
Ladies and gentleman, as you know we have something special down here at Birdland this evening... a recording for Blue Note records... when you applaud for the different passages, your hands go right out over the records there, so when they play them over and over, throughout over the country, you may be some place and say, well, uh, that's my hand on those records there, that I dug down at Birdland...
Right now, there are over a million construction workers out of work after the housing boom went bust, just as a lot of America needs rebuilding.
Go ahead, the chart is over there on the right side of the post, take a look.
FORBES: Travelzoo Mania! Market Goes Gaga Over Local Deals Play
O'LEARY: We're flying over Holly Beach right now where there used to be about four streets deep of houses and they're completely gone.
Right now at First Things there is a lot of intelligent agonizing over whether Aristotle is right or neoliberals are right about the sustainability of our current economic system.
FORBES: A Radicaltarian Look At Getting Over The Moral Limits Of Economics
There she is, right over here -- invented a new type of sugar packet that dissolves in hot water.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at White House Science Fair
Right now, there are researchers all over the world looking to heal spinal cord injuries by regenerating the nerves that were damaged.
There was, in fact, a vigorous debate within Goldman about the right level, just as there was over the firm's overall risk levels.
Within Helmut Kohl's centre-right coalition government, there are sharp differences over citizenship.
When you walk closer to the entrance to the building and look at the sign over to the right of the doorway, there's a sign: 'No radio playing.
Right now, there are brilliant students from all over the world sitting in classrooms at our top universities.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Comprehensive Immigration Reform | The White House
When the celebrity has the right attitude, there is room for cross-over promotions.
So whatever shortages, let's take your number that you gave, 7, 000, I have over 7, 000 recruiters out there right now.
In China alone there are over 300 million people learning English right now.
"We counted four planes landing, and there was one circling in that smoky area right over the crash site, " Bill Edwards said.
Soldiers know over there that this isn't being done right yet.
You going to sit back, maybe do a little barbecuing, looking over and say I need a tomato patch or something right there.
There are wireless microphones for folks asking questions, and I see lots of hands up over here, so why don't we start right there.