America's consumer-credit laws, passed in the 1970s, give individuals the right to examine their credit records and to demand corrections.
Or I would pause the clips at just the right moment to examine the musicians' finger positions.
This, with respect, contravenes a number of legal principles and rights afforded to the accused, as well as the specific regulations of the World Anti-Doping Agency Code and the Regulations of the IAAF, which clearly state that the accused has the right to be represented at the hearing live, with the right to also call witnesses, present evidence and the right to cross-examine witnesses and rebut evidence, if any, against her.
Proposals to abolish the right to cross-examine at public inquiries have been ruled out.
When former Congressman Richard Baker proposed to examine the compensation structure of Fannie and Freddie's top executives, and some members of Congress tried to block him, I explicitly spoke out in support of his right to do that and our right, as a Congress, to examine the GSE's compensation practices.
"If changes are being made to A-levels in England which are based on reasons which have no particular educational basis, we would want to examine that and ask if it's the right thing to do here, " he said.
The matter therefore was concluded, for the reasons explained in Paragraph 5.b above and it does not give you the right, legal or moral, to re-examine the matter and base possible sanctions on a matter which has already been dealt with.
The London Assembly has demanded a review of the speed limit and want TfL to re-examine how cyclists turn right at either end of the bridge.
BBC: TfL plans for Blackfriars Bridge spark cyclists protest
Under the new procedure, officials claim, the accused will have the right to represent himself, hear all the evidence against him, cross-examine prosecution witnesses and, if convicted, lodge an appeal all the way up to the Supreme Court.
The Commission will examine the data of big banks in 2014 and has the right to recommend a delay to implementation if the transparency is shown to significantly hurt the competitiveness of EU companies.
These containers work because, although you can examine their contents if you have the right key, you cannot actually take the contents out to copy them.
European right-wing parties would do well to follow the example of the British Labour Party after the 1992 election and examine why so many women have stopped voting for them.
Further, an attempt to examine issues that relate to the criminal proceedings in Greece will seriously violate Ms Thanou's right to a fair trial and it would breach the European Convention on Human Rights and it would constitute an interference with an independent criminal procedure of a country's criminal justice system.