Ms. Techamuanvivit also recommended rinsing bergamots before using them, which helps to tame the intense acridity of the rind.
WSJ: Bergamot Is No Lemon
The rind is washed and salted throughout the aging process, which lasts anywhere from six months to three years.
BBC: Tracing fondue��s mysterious origins
It was reduced to a kind of nibbled cheese rind, and it always disappeared before we expected it to.
NEWYORKER: The Daughters of the Moon
Beatification, his so-called "sonambic" (a lambic from Sonoma County, get it?) is edgy and dry, with hints of grapefruit rind.
WSJ: The Sour and the Glory of Beer
Extracted from the rind, the oil is blended into many perfumes and is a key ingredient in Earl Grey tea.
WSJ: Bergamot Is No Lemon
He heard that the mangosteen, a tangerine-size fruit (unrelated to the mango) with a hard purple rind and a fleshy white interior, had medicinal properties.
FORBES: Drinking The XanGo
Many of the companies are in the Golden Rind, a swath of land in the flats of the East Bay in the San Francisco area.
FORBES: Staggering Global Food Waste Creates Green Tech Opportunities
Like Barista Parlor, No 308 also makes regular visits to local Porter Road Butchers and The Bloomy Rind for the charcuterie ingredients on their small plates menu.
BBC: Culinary delights in Music City��s East end
Back in my kitchen, I unrolled the meat and scored the rind using a box-cutter, making the lines as close-together as I had the patience for, aiming for about a half inch apart.
WSJ: The Pragmatist's Porchetta
Stir in the orange rind, raisins, and almonds.
CNN: Weihnachtstriezel (Christmas Eve Braid)
Then another Morton brother, David, 35, unearthed obscure papers from the University of Madras in India and Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan that suggested a connection between the mangosteen rind and xanthones, which have antioxidant properties.
FORBES: Drinking The XanGo
The Lees took to the streets -- and then a printed catalog and eventually set up a website, boiledpeanuts.com -- selling the peanuts and other regional staples such as sorghum molasses, pickled artichokes and watermelon rind and stone-ground grits to displaced Southerners all over the country.
CNN: Regional flavors may be a click away