The answer was implicit in the question, and with a resigned gesture Rousselot showed her the gold ring that was constricting his ring finger at that moment as never before.
They also estimated the students' exposure to the hormone before they were born by measuring the ratios of their index fingers to their ring fingers (a long ring finger indicates high testosterone exposure) and by measuring how accurately they could determine human emotions by observing only people's eyes, which also correlates with prenatal exposure to testosterone.
They worked out the ratio of the length of the index finger to the length of the ring finger for each child, and compared it with those of 34 of the children's healthy siblings, 88 of their fathers, 88 of their mothers, and a number of unrelated controls that were matched for sex and age.
Children with Asperger's also had abnormal index-to-ring finger ratios, though less so than full-blown autistics.
Today, on his ring finger is a thick wedding band, a replacement of the one he lost.
The technology uses a wired clip that fits over a person's ring finger.
The longer your ring finger, the more protected you are against heart attack, because the more testosterone you have.
Soon, rows of tables outside the church are enveloped by youngsters offering their personal details, including the size of their ring finger.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | This World | The power of the ring thing
During the fight, Schmidt fractures the ring finger of his right hand.
On his ring finger was a wedding band, aged though not dulled.
They had to remove tendons and nerves to replace in his hand, and hopefully he will have the feeling and movement of his pinky and ring finger.
Instead, a simple band studded with black diamonds or black jade, worn on the right hand's ring finger, can add some oomph to a suit while still being appropriate, he says.
Quinn Norton, who became famous in tech circles when she implanted a magnet in her ring finger more than two years ago, hoping to acquire a "sixth sense, " also ruminated on the brain.
Although the reason is not yet understood, earlier studies have shown that finger-length ratios are a robust marker of how much of that hormone a baby has been exposed to in utero the more testosterone, the longer the ring finger.
To sign up, you take a personality test that Fisher designed, which asks you questions about everything from feelings about following rules to your understanding of complex machinery and the length of your ring finger, relative to your index finger.
The match is struck the second outsiders learn of a betrothal: A bride-to-be, especially, becomes public property and an age-old archetype and she is expected to fire off, on command, the event date and location, number of guests, maker of dress and, by golly, she had better loft that ring finger for inspection.
The main control surface is wide enough, in fact, that we could comfortably put three fingers on the top of the mouse, using the middle to control the mouse wheel and DPI sensitivity adjustment rocker (a nice touch in and of itself) without ever moving our index and ring finger from the all-important trigger buttons.
Mrs Burnett had not taken the ring off her finger for 60 years.
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Power and volume controls sit under the ring and pinkie finger, feeling a bit like an old fashioned chorded keyboard.
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She phoned her nephew for help and he found her in a distressed state saying a man had come into her home and pulled her wedding ring from her finger.
BBC: 'Wicked' thief Marion Pokuta targeted elderly in Bradford
FedEx equips package sorters with scanners built into a ring on their finger, which communicate wirelessly with a computer on their waist, itself in contact with a central computer, keeping tracking information up-to-the-minute accurate.
In Iceland, you never know if it could be that just-married guy taking off three to six months next year, instead of the woman with the big bad wedding ring on her finger.
Unwittingly, Thernardier serves a purpose for good: The stolen ring on his finger when he attempts to crash the wedding of Marius and Cosette leads them to find Valjean before the dramatic moment of death.
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You had your feet on the ladder, a ring of promise on your finger and endless eggs cueing up to nest in your belly.
But my wife, as soon as she had Internet capability, she re-ordered the ring and she put it on my finger in my neighbor's yard, the place I lost it.
On the middle finger of his right hand he wore a ring with an oblong piece of faceted green glass that caught the light.
They found the age range for heart attacks in men where the index finger was relatively long was 35 to 80 years of age, but in those with relatively long ring fingers it was 58 to 80.