• Probes have shown us stunning images of the rings of Saturn and the outer planets of our solar system.

    CNN: Bush: 'It is time for America to take the next steps' in space

  • If MSPs are discussing ferret-taming, one cannot have a stray parliamentarian intervening with a comment about the rings of Saturn.

    BBC: Bagpipes and hot air at First Minister's Questions

  • Other activities for Cassini scientists during the extended mission will include monitoring seasons on Titan and Saturn, observing unique ring events - such as the 2009 equinox when the Sun will be in the plane of the rings - and exploring new places within Saturn's magnetic "envelope" - or magnetosphere.

    BBC: Nasa extends Saturn probe mission

  • Images sent back from the Cassini spacecraft (which has been in orbit around Saturn since 2004) have revealed how the fine structure of the rings is broken up into intricate patterns of thousands of ringlets and gaps.

    BBC: Saturn's beauty and power

  • One of the key discoveries has been the role Saturn's moons play in maintaining the order and structure of the rings.

    BBC: Saturn's beauty and power

  • At a time when rovers are exploring Mars, a satellite is looping around Saturn's rings and a body larger than Pluto was recently found in the far reaches of the solar system, the reader who wants to catch up on developments could have done with a book of more uniform quality.

    ECONOMIST: Twirls and swirls from outer space

  • In Saturn's rings, we can see similar ordered patterns and structures assembling themselves from the chaos of the ring particles.

    BBC: Saturn's beauty and power

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