Police in riot gear responded with "blast ball" grenades that release smoke laced with pepper spray.
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Security forces armed with riot gear and water cannons formed a cordon around the protesters.
Officers dressed in riot gear came out to stand in front of the main gate.
There were hundreds of cops -- some in riot gear, some on horseback.
Dozens of people were arrested after police in riot gear were deployed ahead of a football match in Nuneaton.
Officers in riot gear returned later in the evening and were also attacked.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Arrest after stabbing victim dies
Officers in riot gear began making arrests at The Granby pub from 15:20.
They surrendered more than eight hours later after officers in riot gear were called in, the Prison Service said.
Police in riot gear then moved into the park, evicting hundreds of protesters.
At intervals along the barricaded roads stood phalanxes of police and more militia in riot gear, including batons and shields.
FORBES: An Afternoon Observing Anti-Japanese Demonstrations in Shanghai and Thinking "Whither Japan"
One 26-year-old local policeman changing into riot gear said he personally knew perhaps 100 of the protesters he was policing.
Two hours later, she was awakened by a SWAT team, in riot gear and carrying assault rifles, who evacuated all the residents.
What the world is seeing is Toronto as an armed camp with a fenced-off no-go zone and hundreds of police in riot gear.
But the police - in full riot gear - do not agree and are ringing the metal barriers that are blocking off the park.
Despite the massive security at Woodhill, there have been numerous assaults on guards who at times have had to put on full riot gear.
Scores of police and state troopers, some in riot gear, tried to clear the streets, and some officers used pepper spray to disperse demonstrators.
"That's my building, " she said, pointing to an office block surrounded by a line of a mounted police and another line of police in riot gear.
Police in riot gear charged the youths, pushing them back on to the Place de l'Opera where the crowds were gathering, but the situation remained volatile.
Large teams of officers in full riot gear took control of parts of the City of London when they were met by a small number of trouble-makers.
Outnumbering protesters three to one, hundreds of Pakistani security force members, some dressed in riot gear, stood behind barbed wire and concrete blocks that blocked off one of the roads leading to Chaudhry's house.
There were security frogmen on boats in the Seine, there were helicopters whirring overhead, and the streets were lined with hundreds of police vans, in body armor and with riot shields and other riot gear.
Brady alleges that on 30 September last year, staff wearing riot gear dragged him from his former ward to the hospital's personality disorder unit - "a dumping ground for psychopaths" - injuring his wrist in the process.