Distressed debt funds are swarming around portfolios of assets that banks are selling to reduce their risk exposure.
Risk analytics, in particular, can support more precise calculations of risk exposure to support growth.
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As investors scaled back their risk exposure, the roster of falling currencies contained the usual suspects.
ECONOMIST: The pound stumbles as currency speculators cut back on risk
Be careful what you keep on it and if you lose it, immediately start thinking about your risk exposure.
Its Growth Potential (up-market behavior) is only market, but its Risk Exposure (down-market behavior) is only two-thirds that of the market.
Stateful inspection offers only two options: Block the apps to mitigate risk exposure, or let them in and hope for the best.
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The reason: Prudent bankers were simply unwilling to accept any risk exposure for their shareholders involving new lending to the Soviet Union.
By bending the risk-return curve, investors can adjust to the fundamental market environment and tailor their risk exposure for more consistent long-term investing.
In the countries selected for review , assess the depth of information and analysis available to establish a preliminary view on the risk exposure.
Toyota Japan told the BBC that it wants to minimise its "currency risk exposure", but has not set a date for the change-over yet.
The same problem exists if the GSEs were reconfigured as for-profit companies but with tighter limits in areas like risk exposure and executive compensation.
Monetary authorities and intelligence agencies in Europe, Asia and the U.S. are now putting great pressure on all financial institutions to come clean or risk exposure.
While the market remains quietly resilient in 2012, investors are not keen to add risk exposure with such a high stakes event still in the balance.
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Once a company understands the risk associated at the business process (or service) level, they can align their business and IT risk priorities, and reduce total risk exposure.
Be careful not to make reactive decisions based on the headlines, but also be sure to keep your risk exposure at a level that you are comfortable with.
States like Arizona, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Florida are also reportedly at various stages -- legislative or otherwise -- of requiring greater disclosure and reporting of global security risk exposure.
However, the true magnitude of the risk exposure was distorted because the positions had been offset in our systems with fictitious, forward-settling, cash ETF positions, allegedly executed by the trader.
Our diversified investor would need to make sure they never put themselves in a position to lose everything but instead spread their risk exposure to gain higher overall returns (as in the example).
He is chairman of the board's management development and compensation committee and also sits on the board's corporate governance committee and its finance committee, which oversees policies for managing credit and risk exposure at the firm.
And so what we like to do is, we try to spend that risk or invest that risk as efficiently and as effectively as possible, to generate good returns for you in line with your overall risk exposure.
As the biggest overall consumer of energy in the world, no one is in any doubt that China has to step up equity deals, both for security of supply, and more importantly, to hedge price risk exposure in future.
How does the Bush Administration plan to justify any direct or contingent U.S. taxpayer risk exposure to the USSR when Moscow is currently in a severe payments crisis to Western suppliers, has not embarked on serious economic reform and refuses to disclose fundamental economic and financial data?
It is based on more than 22, 000 financial statements (including those of businesses and their owners) from over 6, 600 businesses distributed across industries and sales ranges in the U.S. The predictive model is aimed at helping banks quantify and standardize their credit risk assessments, helping companies perform risk exposure due diligence on partner companies, and helping private businesses evaluate their own creditworthiness.
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Infants and toddlers who spend much time on the floor are at higher risk for exposure.
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The greatest risk of exposure to the virus is through the handling and slaughter of infected poultry.
But the public structure and laws really are designed to minimize it and increase the risk of exposure for the unscrupulous.
Although concern is understandable, the problems in Japan do not mean that we are at a higher risk for exposure to radiation.
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Mr Antoniw highlighted the dangers for people working at power stations, steel works and factories, and the risk of exposure in some public sector buildings, including schools.
Should the NRDC succeed in its efforts, Americans who consume thousands of different canned food products every day could be at greater risk for exposure to Salmonella, Staphylococcus, botulism and other deadly food-borne contaminants.
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