Banks that specialized in riskier loans would simply issue capital notes at higher interest rates.
But for members of the House of Representatives, golf is a far riskier proposition.
Depending on your willingness to take risk, you could own bigger, safer stocks or smaller, riskier ones.
However, cell phone use occurs more frequently and for longer durations than other, riskier behaviors.
Such an outcome potentially makes European banks "a less-attractive and riskier investment, " Mr. Morris said.
WSJ: Stocks Fall Globally as Investors Worry What's Next in Euro Zone
In the face of this much upheaval, only one thing could be riskier: standing still.
Conclusive research shows that African-Americans do not engage in riskier HIV behaviors than other Americans.
During its initial difficulties, he says, executives booked ever-riskier loans to make back losses.
Other governments face a tougher choice as inflows spark inflation that makes rate cuts riskier.
There's a logic behind the relative cheapness of illiquid stocks, of course: They're riskier.
And the riskier the investments, the less likely that you will attain your goals.
Vonage quickly soured investors on IPOs of what are perceived to be riskier bets.
Historically, this excess liquidity has made its way to riskier assets, i.e. stocks and commodities.
Generally, borrowers have higher credit scores, but they have other things that make their loans riskier.
Many analysts assume the current low-interest-rate environment will force investors into riskier assets such as stocks.
Timid takes the safe course of action when the riskier one would yield much bigger rewards.
That is a worry, because investors' appetite for these securities fuelled the boom in riskier mortgages.
International bonds, yielding higher on average, are not much riskier than US government debt.
FORBES: Oppenheimer's Main Street Case for Emerging Market Bonds
So based on all these solid numbers how much riskier, really, is Apple than Coke?
We're using newer, riskier technologies to extract the last of the Earth's hardest-to-get fossil fuels.
In riskier assets, like equities, the room for disappointment could outweigh any potential positive news.
Mr. Duret increased his exposure to stocks, particularly riskier ones with more growth potential.
Investment-grade corporate bonds yield 3 percent and riskier "junk" bonds yield just under 6 percent.
As it happened, they ended up mostly lending on interest rather than making riskier equity investments.
As well as being riskier than normal mortgages, these loans are also more susceptible to abuse.
Higher yield means higher risk and right now, Italy is a riskier bet than Brazil.
The riskier the loan, the more capital that needs to be held in reserve.
FORBES: Governments Are The Primary Creators Of Systemic Risk
Northern Trust would seem to have had ample motives to invest in riskier assets.
So government insured deposits still could not be used to speculate in riskier investment banking activities.
FORBES: President Obama Offers A Repeat Of His Same Failed Policies
He looks for some investors to liquidate gold positions and move back into other riskier assets.
FORBES: Gold Seen Outshining Other Precious Metals In Coming Months Before PGMs Gain More Luster